Sermons from July 2018

Aaron Callaghan’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

Aaron Callaghan tells his story of conversion to Christ while at University in 2013. Growing up in a Christian family and taken to gospel meetings from childhood, Aaron’s story demonstrates conclusively that “knowing the facts” of the gospel is not enough. Aaron wanted to go to University far from home in order to get away from the influence of the gospel – but God overruled his circumstances and Aaron was graciously brought to salvation (Testimony given in Bicester 22nd July…

A Great Escape – Clive Barber’s Testimony (62 mins)

Born in the UK, baptised as an 8 day old baby and given communion from 6 months old, Clive Barber spent the first 17 years of his life in a legalistic religious sect that held meetings every day of the year. However, during that whole time, Clive never learned he was a lost sinner in need of God’s salvation. Excommunicated and told to leave his home at age 17 (for infringing the sect’s rules), Clive turned against Christ, the Bible…

Gospel Tent: “The Heart” (40 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Clive Barber preaches on the “heart of man”. Among other things, he highlights the sinfulness of the heart and the danger of hardening it, instead of obeying the gospel. Craig Munro continues the theme of the heart, starting in Jer 17:9 where the heart is described as “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Messages preached 3rd July 2018)