Sermons from October 2018

Sermons from October 2018

The Judgement of the Worldwide Flood (37 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of the flood in the days of Noah. After some introductory remarks about Genesis, he looks at the period, pronouncement, purpose and prophecy of the flood. The Bible is clear – man’s sin caused God to judge the world with a global flood with only 8 people saved in the ark. Lessons are drawn from how God dealt with Enoch, Methusaleh and Noah and his family (Message preached 28th Oct 2018)

You Must Be Born Again (48 mins)

After giving some general remarks about John’s gospel, Jonathan Black expounds the first 17 verses of John Chapter 3. This is the key New Testament passage from which we can learn about the nature and need of the new birth. Some questions answered in this message include: What does it mean to be “born of water and the Spirit”?; Is baptism anything to do with “regeneration”?; Is the “world” of John 3:16 “the world of the elect” or “the whole…

In the Beginning, was the Word (48 mins)

Dan Rudge expounds the first 18 verses of John’s gospel (John 1:1-18). He explains that the passage has a chiastic structure that makes vvs12-13 the centre of the passage. He addresses a number of important issues throughout his thorough exposition: when was “in the beginning”?; what is the significance of “the logos”?; why would “the Word was a god” be an inadmissible translation in v1?; and what does “grace for grace” mean? (Message preached 18th Oct 2018)

Christ as Prophet (42 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on the topic of Christ’s office as prophet from Deut 18:15-22. He defines what a prophet is, and then distinguishes between Christ as prophet, as priest and as king. He explains how Christ fulfilled the prophetic office, only speaking what He heard from His Father. Dan also gives counsel from Deut 18 as to how to avoid falling for the many false prophets that are moving freely in Christendom today (Message preached 7th Oct 2018)

The Parable of the Sower (35 mins)

Tom West preaches on the parable of the sower from Matt Ch 13. He explains the what, when and why of the Lord’s parables before outlining the parable under 5 headings: its significance, scene, sower, seed and soil. Tom gives 6 reasons why the Bible says one cannot understand the Lord’s other parables, unless one first understands the parable of the sower (Message preached 4th Oct 2018)