Sermons from December 2018

Sermons from December 2018

The Tribulation Judgement (38 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of this world during the tribulation period, due to take place between the rapture and the manifestation. Jonathan defines the times, describes the trouble and distinguishes the terms. This will be the worst period of trouble and judgment the world has ever known and will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, followed by the judgment of the living nations (Message preached 9th Dec 2018)

God Has Spoken in His Son (43 mins)

 Josh Jacob looks at Hebrews 1:1-3 under the headings: “The Son previewed”, “The Son presented” and “The Son preeminent”. The writer to the Hebrews gives a 7-part description of the excellencies of Christ’s person and work in these tightly packed and theologically rich verses which stand at the beginning of an epistle that presents Christ as “better than all” (Message preached 20th Dec 2018)

Let This Mind Be In You (41 mins)

David West expounds Phil 2:1-11 a key Christological passage that outlines the nature of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ; His stoop down to the cross, and His exaltation back to the throne in heaven. Why does Paul introduce this into the Philippian epistle at this point? Because of a lack of unity in Philippi, and the need for the Philippians to have the same attitude as Christ if unity is to be restored (Message preached 13th Dec 2018)

One New Man (35 mins)

David Dalton expounds Ephesians 2:11-22, a passage that explains the origin and character of the “church which is His body”, described in the text as “one new man”. This entity, composed of saved Jews and Gentiles, is not a continuation of or a replacement for the nation of Israel. It is totally new in charatcer, not having existed prior to Acts 2. It was made possible by the work of Christ in breaking down the middle wall of partition at…