Sermons from November 2019

Sermons from November 2019

The Raising of Lazarus (44 mins)

Gordon Stewart preaches on the 6th sign in John’s gospel – the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This was the pivotal climactic sign that led quickly to the Lord’s crucifixion. After some helpful introductory remarks about the “delays of Christ” in Scripture, Gordon outlines 7 lessons from John Ch 11 in connection with this mighty sign: about Christ’s glory, His promise, His sympathy, His troubled soul, His prayer, His shout of authority, and His worthiness of trust and worship…

Witnessing to Hindus (48 mins)

Josh Jacob begins by looking at how the West has been infiltrated by Hindu philosophy repackaged as visualisation, yoga, quantum healing and much else. He traces the history of this phenomenon back to the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893, up through the Beatles in the 1960’s, through to today. He explains Hindu concepts such as Karma, Moksha, Nirvana and Maya and exposes the deception through the prism of Genesis Ch 3. Finally he explains certain features of Indian/Hindu culture…

The Blind Man (39 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the 5th sign in John’s gospel; the giving of sight to the blind man at the Pool of Siloam in Ch 9. Why did the Lord deal differently with this man, compared to how He dealt with Bartimaeus? Why was he sent to the pool of Siloam, not the pool of Bethesda? After answering these two related questions, Peter looks at a number of theological and practical issues thrown up by this remarkable sign and the…

Witnessing to Muslims (40 mins)

Andrew Mullan gives guidance, from some years of experience, on witnessing to Muslims. He approaches the topic under 4 headings: 1. Building relationships, 2. Engaging the conscience, 3. Preparing responses, 4. Understanding the Islamic mindset. We need to overcome our fear of engaging Islam and with patience seek to bring the truth of God’s word to this needy audience. Andrew explains how Muslims think, and gives ideas and strategies for how to effectively evangelise them (Readings: 2 Cor 5:14, Rom…

The Feeding of the 5,000 (45 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the 4th sign in John’s gospel, the feeding of the 5,000. He highlights the significance of the location, the provision and much else about the event. As with all the signs, this one proves the deity of Christ – that He is the Son of God. The sign reveals the One who can fill those who come to Him. Are you satisfied and filled or are you “running on empty”? Jonathan also extracts a number of…