Sermons from January 2020

Sermons from January 2020

Ruth – Committed to the Lord Our God (42 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on Ruth the Moabitess who was marked by commitment to the interests of the God of Israel in a culture and situation naturally foreign to her. She was a disallowed stranger (Ruth Ch 1), a diligent worker (Ch 2), a dutiful pleader (Ch 3) and a destined mother (Ch 4). Josh draws lessons from the life and experience of Ruth to encourage us to overcome life’s difficulties and adversities through faith in the God under whose wings…

Gideon – Standing for God in a Difficult Time (42 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Gideon (from Judges Chs 6-8), a man who stood for God in an age when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes”. Jonathan gives practical ministry on Gideon’s quiet private preparation for the public role that he was later to have as he exercised faith in his God, despite his weakness and fear. Though a “mighty man of valour”, he knew what it was to depend on his God, first when he…