Sermons from December 2022

Sermons from December 2022

The Gift of God is Eternal Life (32 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches a timely and relevant message on “What God Gave”, explaining the glorious truth contained in the verse from Romans 6.23 “For the Wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Drawing from numerous passages of scripture, Jonathan preaches on the following; (Message preached Christmas Day 2022 in Hebron Gospel Hall, Bicester)

“One Mediator Between God And Men” (56 mins)

Oliver Penfold and Robert O’Neill share the preaching of the Gospel. Both highlight the truth that ‘the man Christ Jesus’ is the only mediator between God and men as One who is ‘fully God, and fully man’. In light of that fact of who He is and what He has accomplished, repentant sinners can be saved for eternity!

“Except Ye Repent” (35 mins)

John Salisbury takes up Luke’s account of the life of the Lord Jesus, emphasizing the words of Christ “except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish”. John brings out the message of the gospel by preaching the need for sinners to repent of their sins and turn, by faith, to the Lord Jesus for salvation!