Are You Ready? (30 mins)

When preparing for a journey, there are 3 words that people love to here. – “I AM READY”. Alasdair Baijal preaches a serious gospel message on the Apostle Paul and his readiness when it came to the gospel, described in the following three locations:

Romans 1: – “I am ready to preach” – because of a moment to tell about

Acts 16: – “I am ready to suffer” – because Christ suffered

2 Timothy 4: – “I am ready to die” – because Christ died for me.

As Alasdair traces the Apostle Paul’s words, he demonstrates the change that Salvation made in Paul’s life, that Salvation made him a new creation and that because his sins were forgiven, he possessed eternal life. Alasdair impresses the urgency of being ready for eternity upon his audience. Take time to listen to this gospel message today and ask yourself the question; Am I Ready?