Sermons on Gospel Meetings

Sermons on Gospel Meetings

Who is Christ to you? (46 mins)

Many, through various methods, have strived to turn their life around by turning over a new leaf. Some have sought sporting outlets, others have pursued rigorous regimes of self-discipline. In this sermon, having read Acts 9, we learn that turning over a new leaf will only lead to failure, disappointment, and guilt; instead, we need new life. We can only receive this by having a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, by faith. Listen to this gospel sermon to discover…

The Gospel from the Passover Lamb (38 mins)

A stirring and clear gospel message for you from an Old Testament real life illustration. Every page of the Bible has relevant truths which is timeless and ageless. The Passover lamb is a pointer to the Lamb of God who can take away your sins.

Call while you can (36 mins)

The Bible describes faith in different ways. Words such as believe, rest, rely, and trust are all used to describe how a sinner must respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Another way the Bible describes this response is ‘to call’ – a cry out to God. In this sermon, Joel explains the various references when the Lord saves those that call upon Him. Have you called upon the name of the Lord? Have you been saved?

Saved or Lost: Which one are you? (41 mins)

Dan Rudge presents to us the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of sinners. He reads from John’s Gospel, examining the words of the Lord Jesus toward two different groups of individuals. While the world is full of different people, each with their own unique story and background, the Lord makes it clear that each of us is in one of two groups: saved or lost. Listen to this gospel sermon to find our how you can be saved by the…

The Gospel in Acts 2 (40 mins)

In this sermon, Nick Harvey reads from Acts chapter two; a chapter that introduces sign-gifts, Peter’s spirit-empowered sermon, and the conversion of 3,000 souls. Nick brings out the gospel message from the passage, that all of us need to repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ, and be saved.

The Conversion of Cornelius (36 mins)

Peter preaches the conversion of Cornelius which, like any other conversion, was by repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth of the gospel message is that God desires that we should all be ‘repent and be converted’. Repentance is the necessary change of heart toward sin that God expects of us. Further more, we can be saved, forgiven, and have a relationship with God all because of Jesus Christ, and His death and resurrection.

Are we supposed to be independent from God? (36 mins)

In this gospel sermon, Joel reads from Genesis 3 and examines where man’s desires to be independent from God comes from. We discussed Adam’s own efforts to create an apron of fig leaves to hide his shame and compared it to God’s provision of a coat of skins (an early picture of the Lord Jesus being provided by God for our salvation). We also read from Matthew 14 and investigated how it was dependence on the Lord that enabled Peter…

The urgency of ‘today’ (25 mins)

Tom Armstrong delivers a challenging gospel sermon in which he looks at the various uses of the word ‘today’. He reminds us of the day that the Lord Jesus was born into this world, the day that Zacchaeus received the Lord Jesus, and the day that the Lord Jesus saved a guilty criminal from his sins. Has there been a day when the Lord saved you?

Without God and without hope (21 mins)

Robin Steele brings before us the various positions we can be in regarding God. For those that are still lost, they are described as being ‘without God and without hope’. He preached on the coming of the Lord Jesus into this world, at which point Christ was referred to as ‘Immanuel’ which means ‘God with us’. Because Christ came into this world, died for our sins and rose again from the dead, we can have the knowledge of all sins…

How can a sinner get ‘right’ with God? (35 mins)

Arran preaches from Paul’s epistle to the Romans and chapter 9, emphasising Paul’s argument that none of us are righteous as a result of our own works, regardless of whether we consider ourselves to be good, or religious, or not. Instead, it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that we can obtain a ‘right’ standing before God, who is the Judge of all.

Satisfaction in a dissatisfying world (30 mins)

The world has lots of pleasures to offer. However, these things never truly satisfy and are designed to distract us from coming to Christ for salvation. In this challenging gospel message, A. Summers preaches the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of sinners. Jesus Christ doesn’t just forgive sinners of the sins, but he gives them new life entirely!

Our need of the Saviour (34 mins)

Huw preaches about our need to acknowledge our sin before God, to truly see it how He sees it. The message didn’t stop there. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all those who repent and trust in Him.

Justified by faith (42 mins)

Matthew Dalton gives the message of hope that God is love, how he remind us the greatest demonstration of love was shown at Calvary. How we can have peace, be justified with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let not your heart be troubled (33 mins)

Graeme Paterson gives a message of hope, that the Lord Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. He reminds us that we have all sinned, and in the need of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins.

What is power? (23 mins)

Joel Lacey explores what true power really is. He preaches from select verses from the book of Romans and the book of John. He points out that We have no power to save ourselves from sin, instead we are under the power of darkness and in slavery to sin. For this reason, we need the Lord Jesus to save us by freeing us from our desperate state and becoming our Saviour and Lord, by faith.