Sermons by Joel Lacey

What is power? (23 mins)

Joel Lacey explores what true power really is. He preaches from select verses from the book of Romans and the book of John. He points out that We have no power to save ourselves from sin, instead we are under the power of darkness and in slavery to sin. For this reason, we need the Lord Jesus to save us by freeing us from our desperate state and becoming our Saviour and Lord, by faith.

Gospel Tent ’24: Redemption through the Lord Jesus (53 mins)

Joel helpfully preaches on the theme of redemption and focuses on the fact that redemption is for all and the Lord Jesus only is “the way” to come to God. Gene continues by preaching on Isaiah 53:6, highlighting how the verse explains our condition in its first part (“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way”) and how its second part points us to the remedy- “and the Lord hath laid on him…

Exodus 26: The boards and the bars of the tabernacle (35 mins)

In Exodus 26:15-30, we read of the boards and the bars of the tabernacle. These were made of shittim wood and overlayed with gold. Joel takes us through the significance of the details given of these components, how they remind us of the Lord, while drawing out challenges to the believer.

God is light & God is love (37 mins)

In this gospel message, we examine a couple of the significant statements that describes who God is. God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all. During creation, God saw that the light was good. This reminds us of the purity and moral perfection of God, as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ. We also consider that God is love. This was proven to us when the Lord Jesus died on the cross for sinners. This incredible act…

The Prodigal Son (25 mins)

Reading from Luke 15, a chapter of lost things, Joel preaches repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this parable, a rebellious son leaves his father to live his life according to his own desires. This brought him to a point of desperate need. Having repented and returned to his father, his father graciously received and restored his son; who was dead, but is now alive, who was lost, but is found.

Exodus 14: Crossing The Red Sea (49 mins)

Joel takes us through the literal events of this chapter, as well as their typical significance and practical challenges this great chapter presents; investigating the direction from the Lord, the children of Israel’s doubt in the Lord, and also the people’s deliverance by the Lord.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good” (35 mins)

The Lord is good. He is also objectively good, absolutely holy, and is the judge of sin. Furthermore, He is a kind and generous God that desires none should perish and that all should come to repentance and be saved through dependency on the finished work of Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Exodus 5: The Tightened Grip of the Taskmaster (40 mins)

As our series following the redemption of the children of Israel out of Egypt continues, Joel Lacey examines Exodus 5; a chapter that shows the ruthless nature of the slavery that the Hebrew people were in. Parallels are identified, particularly between Egypt and the world, Israel’s slavery and the slave market of sin.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” and “Prepare to meet thy God” (40 mins)

In response to the question Thomas asked, “How can we know the way?”, Gene Higgins points to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Way to the Father. He preaches on why no one deserves to go to Heaven, how anyone can go to Heaven and the fact that not everyone will go to Heaven. The meeting finishes with a solemn warning to “Prepare to meet thy God”.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Behold, The Lamb of God!” and “One Sacrifice for Sins Forever” (38 mins)

In a weighty gospel meeting, the Lord Jesus Christ is preached as the perfect sacrifice for sins. Joel Lacey considers Christ as “the Lamb of God”, a name given Him due to the perfection of His character and the purpose of His coming. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by emphasizing the perfection of Christ’s sacrifice as one that has satisfied God eternally.
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