Sermons by Arran Kennedy
Who is Christ to you? (46 mins)
Many, through various methods, have strived to turn their life around by turning over a new leaf. Some have sought sporting outlets, others have pursued rigorous regimes of self-discipline. In this sermon, having read Acts 9, we learn that turning over a new leaf will only lead to failure, disappointment, and guilt; instead, we need new life. We can only receive this by having a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, by faith. Listen to this gospel sermon to discover…
How can a sinner get ‘right’ with God? (35 mins)
Arran preaches from Paul’s epistle to the Romans and chapter 9, emphasising Paul’s argument that none of us are righteous as a result of our own works, regardless of whether we consider ourselves to be good, or religious, or not. Instead, it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that we can obtain a ‘right’ standing before God, who is the Judge of all.