Gospel Tent ’23: “The Gift of God” and “Something Finished, Faithful and Fearful” (44 mins)

Gospel Tent ’23: “The Gift of God” and “Something Finished, Faithful and Fearful” (44 mins)

Concluding three weeks of Gospel Tent Meetings, Jonathan Black preaches on Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”. After examining various pictures of Salvation in scripture, Jonathan looks at Salvation as a gift – one that is on offer to the sinner. Paul McCauley closes the meeting by looking at Salvation across time. In a weighty message, he looks at Salvation in the past tense – it is something finished, in the present tense – it is something that is faithful and to not have in the future is something fearful.