Norman Mellish’s Testimony of Salvation (19 mins)

Norman Mellish’s Testimony of Salvation (19 mins)

Norman Mellish grew up in the slums of Moss Side, in Manchester, England, during the 1930’s and 40’s. His description of those nightmarish childhood days is heartbreaking; but, by the grace of God, Norman was sent to Sunday School at the local Gospel Hall, where he heard the way of salvation. The bitterness of life turned him towards atheism as he grew into adulthood and moved into employment, but a Christian gentleman at his place of work was used by the Lord to influence Norman to return to the Hall and hear the gospel once more. Norman was saved shortly afterwards and eventually became an evangelist, Bible teacher and author, travelling the world proclaiming God’s word.

In August 2001, Norman Mellish and Peter Orasuk shared a series of gospel meetings in a Gospel Tent on the Kingsclere Road in Bicester. On one of the Saturdays in the series, both men told their testimony of salvation. At 8.00pm, as the rain fell, a large crowd packed into the 30′ by 30′ Tent and were kept on the edge of their seats until 9.30pm as they listened to the conversion narratives of the “two boys from Manchester”. It was a memorable evening. Norman went first, and this is his story in his own words.

Norman Mellish and Peter Orasuk outside the Bicester Gospel Tent in 2001, pitched on the Kingsclere Rd.