Sermons on Teens and Twenties
“I didn’t do anything, Christ has done it all!” – Tom Black’s Testimony of Salvation
Tom Black relates his testimony of Salvation. Growing up in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, Tom heard the gospel on a regular basis as a child. Though brought up in a godly home and from an early age, under the sound of the gospel, this did not make Tom a Christian. After various troubles and fears, Tom finally came under the conviction of sin and trusted Christ as saviour in a series of gospel meetings conducted by Jonathan Black and Stephen Harper…
“He was talking about me!” – Josh Jacob’s Testimony of Salvation.
Josh Jacob relates how, when and where God reached and saved him. He relates how his family first came into contact with the gospel through the efforts of the missionary evangelist Silas Fox, before going on to detail how God spoke to him in a school assembly taken by the Austrian missionary Charles E. Wigg. Shortly afterwards, Josh became convicted of his sins and rested upon the finished work of Christ. Josh closes his message by relating some of the…

Bill Black’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)
Bill Black grew up in a religious home in Northern Ireland but knew nothing about God’s way of salvation. Moving to Perth, Scotland (photo above), to work in the Health Service, he met a young lady called Anna who was later to become his wife (whose godly mother was praying daily for the salvation of both of them). The Lord answered those prayers when Bill met a young man called Jim Legge who preached the gospel to him (Jim would…

Aaron Callaghan’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)
Aaron Callaghan tells his story of conversion to Christ while at University in 2013. Growing up in a Christian family and taken to gospel meetings from childhood, Aaron’s story demonstrates conclusively that “knowing the facts” of the gospel is not enough. Aaron wanted to go to University far from home in order to get away from the influence of the gospel – but God overruled his circumstances and Aaron was graciously brought to salvation (Testimony given in Bicester 22nd July…

Jonathan Black’s Testimony of Salvation (18 mins)
Jonathan Black relates the story of his conversion to Christ at the age of 19. Raised in a Christian family, Jonathan said he was saved at 10 years of age. Despite an initial burst of enthusiasm, his life evidenced no long-term change and he ended up in his late teens a thoroughly worldly young man enjoying the pleasures of the world. However, God graciously worked in his life. He was truly saved one day while sitting in his car at…

David Hutchinson’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)
David Hutchinson grew up in a Christian family and knew the Scriptures from young age. When he reached the 6th form at School he felt drawn to the world…but God overruled David’s choice to neglect the gospel and brought him back to reality. At 16 he faced up to his need of salvation. Listen to hear how he found deliverance. (Testimony given in Bicester 29th Oct 2017)

Thomas Proctor’s Testimony of Salvation (13 mins)
At one point, as a young child, Thomas Proctor thought he had been saved, after he knelt and “asked God to save him”. However, he remained without real peace and there was no change in his life, a common experience for children brought up in Christian families. But Thomas continued to listen to regular gospel preaching and some years later discovered what was missing. Are you missing the same thing? (Testimony given in Bicester 18th Sept 2016)

David Montgomery’s Testimony of Salvation (33 mins)
David Montgomery relates the story of how he was saved while studying at Warwick University in the UK. David was brought up in ceremonial Christianity (christening, confirmation, communion etc.), but was ignorant of the gospel of the grace of God. However, he did know he was a guilty sinner, and the first time he heard the gospel message at University he “asked Christ into his life”, thereafter coming to an understanding that his confidence is in Christ alone for salvation,…

Jim Wishart’s Testimony of Salvation (10 mins)
Jim Wishart relates his story of conversion on July 1st 1950, 65 years ago. Awakened through the words of a solemn gospel hymn, Mr Wishart knew he needed a firm foundation for eternity. This he found through the words of Isaiah 53:6 – “All we, like sheep have gone astray, we have turned – every one [of us] to his own way – and the LORD hath laid on Him [Jesus Christ] the iniquity of us all” (Testimony given 7th…

Robert Plant’s Testimony of Salvation (45 mins)
Robert Plant relates his life story and his conversion to Christ. Raised without religion, Robert’s main interests were Cricket (he is a Yorkshireman) and Country & Western Music. A friend at School, who was mocked and ridiculed for his Christian beliefs, spoke to Robert about salvation and gave him gospel booklets to read. Listen to the wonderful story of the grace of God to Robert as the Holy Spirit moved to open his understanding to see that Christ is the…

Timothy Cawte’s Testimony of Salvation (22 mins)
Tim Cawte tells of his conversion one Canadian winter at the age of 13. Knowing he was a sinner who needed to be saved, his main problem was, “How can I ever know for sure that I am saved?” He made a number of attempts at being saved, but every time the doubts kept coming back as strong as ever. He was finally saved when he came to an end of himself and rested alone on the person and finished…

Andrew Swan’s Testimony of Salvation (45 mins)
Andrew Swan tells how God saved him as a 24 year old young man in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in the Spring of 2,000. Initially thinking he was saved at the age of 13, then being in serious soul trouble aged 18 but missing salvation, Andrew was finally brought to Christ on the last night of a month of gospel meetings with evangelist Robert McIlwaine through resting by faith on the Lord Jesus, the One who “died for me!” (Testimony…

Scott Hayes’ Testimony of Salvation (22 mins)
Scott Hayes from Iowa, USA, relates how as a proud 17-year-old basketball and motorcross enthusiast he was first awakened to his need of a Saviour through the tragic death of an uncle. Scott was brought to Christ during a series of gospel meetings in which around 40 others were also saved in Stout, Iowa, under the preaching of Albert Hull and Gaius Goff in the 1970’s (Testimony given in Bicester on 17th March 2013)

James Armstrong’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)
James Armstrong relates the story of his conversion to Christ as a teenager in Northern Ireland. He tells of the different ways in which God spoke to him over a period of time, convicting him of his need of salvation, and how He trusted Christ through the words of Isaiah 53:5 (Testimony given 13th Jan 2013)

Oliver Penfold’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)
Oliver Penfold relates the story of his conversion to Christ at the age of 12 during a month of Gospel Tent meetings in Bicester in 2006 with evangelist Gene Higgins. (Messages preached 2nd Sept 2012)
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