Apologetics Conference

Apologetics Conference

Fossils, Dinosaurs and Apemen

PART 6 – David Vallance explains that the world’s geological layers and its vast number of fossils were not laid down over millions of years by natural processes, but in a short space of time by the worldwide flood described in Genesis Chs 6-8. Dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago! David discusses numerous issues in this presentation, including ice cores, coal seams, the Cambrian explosion, radiometric dating and finally so-called “ape-men”. (Preached: 3rd Mar 2019)

Worldviews and Scientific Method

PART 3 – David Vallance explains that the Bible is not anti-science. Quite the reverse. A biblical worldview is essential to provide a basis for real science. After giving a history of scientific discovery, pioneered by theists such as Kepler, Newton, Boyle and Faraday, David explains the difference between the inductive and deductive methods of inquiry and criticises the broader scientific community for starting from the premise of naturalism. Quote of the day: “The only thing you can know for…

The Universe and the Big Bang

PART 4 – David Vallance critiques “big bang cosmology” and takes aim at the idea that something can arise from nothing (although evolutionists don’t really mean ‘nothing’ when they say ‘nothing’!). Among other things he discusses the second law of thermodynamics (entropy), the apparent great age of the universe, and the anthropic principle, sometimes called the “fine-tuning” of the universe. (Preached: 2nd Mar 2019)

DNA and Design

PART 5 – Principally referencing DNA, David Vallance presents the teleological argument  for the existence of God (the argument from purpose or design). The complexity of the genetic information system at the heart of biology is such that no natural explanation can come close to explaining it. On the contrary, DNA shouts “design” and points to an all wise Creator. David tackles commonly proposed arguments for evolution such as antibiotic resistance in bacteria and what is known as ‘homology’. (Preached:…

Days, Ages and Gaps

PART 2 – David Vallance outlines the stark choice facing us all. Which is right – “the Bible” (Genesis), or the grand theory of “evolution” (cosmic, molecular, biological etc.)? Starting with Darwin’s “origin of species”, David helpfully distinguishes between “horizontal variation” (observable) and “vertical evolution” (a fairy tale for grown-ups). He finishes by explaining why he rejects 5 compromise positions: the gap theory, the day-age theory, progressive ages, the literary framework hypothesis, and theistic evolution. (Preached: 1st Mar 2019)

The Value of Apologetics

PART 1 – David Vallance outlines what the Bible means when it uses the Greek word “apologia” (answer, defence – 1 Pet 3:15). A consistent Christian life, combined with a gracious personal testimony to God’s truth and grace is the best apologetic of all! He then outlines the difference between evidential, presuppositional and classical apologetics and gives biblical examples of each. (Preached: 28th Feb 2019)