Devotional and Practical Messages
The Monster of Discouragement (38 mins)
Gene Higgins preaches a timely and deeply comforting message on the subject of Discouragement. In a world where often circumstances for the believer are trying, be it in their personal or assembly life, Gene offers wise words of help and consolation for those who are discouraged. He outlines the following: The Source of Discouragement The Force of Discouragement The Recourse of Discouragement The Resource for Discouragement This message will repay careful listening as Gene deals with a topic expertly, sen…
“Look for the Women” (29 mins)
Using the phrase coined by French author Alexandre Dumas – Gene Higgins seeks to explore the biblical significance of various women in Scripture whose actions and attitude had a dramatic effect upon those around them and the rest of biblical history. Gene presents these truths in an incredibly helpful, down-to-earth and practical manner.
David and Goliath (41 mins)
From the familiar narrative of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, Tim Coltman draws out many practical and encouraging lessons for the modern Christian facing their own trials.
How to Know The Lord Better (35 mins)
Colin Hutchison preaches on 4 people in John’s gospel who “knew the Lord”, even though the world did not know Him. Why did they know the Lord and not others? The servants knew because when Christ said “do” they did it (2:9) The nobleman knew because when Christ said “go” he went (4:53) The blind man knew, because when Christ said “wash” he washed (9:25) Martha knew because when Christ said “remove the obstacle” it was removed (11:22) If we…
The Mount of Olives (38 mins)
Thomas West preaches on the topic of the Mount of Olives in relation to the Lord Jesus. The Mount of Olives is where the Lord “went apart”, was “alone”, was “arrested”, from where he “ascended” and to where He will “arrive” on His return. An instructive and practical look at this interesting subject. Readings: John 7, Matt 26, Acts 1 and Zech 14 (Message preached May 11th 2017)
The Battle of the Ages (42 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches on the battle of the ages between “the woman’s seed” and “the devil’s seed”. He starts at Gen 3:15 (the Bible’s first prophecy) and works his way through to the book of Revelation, demonstrating that despite the unrelenting and frequent attempts of Satan to attack and destroy “the woman’s seed”, Christ’s eventual and total triumph is sure and certain (Message preached May 4th 2017)
Moses the Intercessor (28 mins)
Aaron Colgan preaches on “Moses the intercessor” from Exod 32. He outlines the 3 oft-repeated “steps away from God” taken by people throughout history, and likens the dreadful condition of Israel at the base of Mount Sinai (worshipping the golden calf) to the condition of our nation today. How Aaron and Moses reacted to this crisis revealed the difference between compromise on the one hand and godly firm leadership on the other (Message preached 27th April 2017)
Good King Josiah (38 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “good King Josiah” and draws lessons from the last great revival King of Judah. Though set a poor example by his father, and though young when he ascended to the throne, God mightily used the “boy King” to bring revival to God’s people (Message given 20th Apr 2017)
David, A Man after God’s own Heart (25 mins)
Colin Raggett preaches on the young David’s experiences – after the prophet Samuel anointed him King in Jesse’s house – when he became the object of King Saul’s jealousy and rage. The dire and dangerous situation David faced was a time of “growth in his soul”. Such are the Lord’s designs with us when He brings us into difficulties and trial (Message preached 25th Jan 2015)
Ruth and Boaz (41 mins)
Alan Barber preaches on the godly character of Ruth the Moabite, who came to know and trust in the God of Israel. Alan takes up numerous practical lessons from the events recorded in Ruth Chs 1 and 2, especially the move of Elimelech and Naomi to Moab, the disaster that ensued, and the gracious recovery granted by the Lord which then brought Ruth into such blessing (Message preached 23rd Oct 2014)

The Feeding of the 5,000 (47 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John. He works through John 6:1-13 drawing out numerous spiritual truths and practical lessons for his audience. Faced with an overwhelming need and a scant supply, take encouragement from what the Lord is able to do! (Message preached 26th June 2014)
Zacharias, Elizabeth and John the Baptist (33 mins)
Alan Barber preaches on the lives and testimonies of Zacharias and Elizabeth, and their son John the Baptist. He challenges his audience with various features of their godly lives and draws lessons from incidents connected with these three characters in the gospels of Luke and John (Message preached 2nd May 2013)
Aspects of Christ’s High Priestly Ministry (24 mins)
James Armstrong speaks on 4 things that Christ does for us as our Great High Priest. He bears four burdens: Ex 28:12 “their names on his shoulders” (our security), 28:29 “their names on his heart” (our sympathy) 28:30 “the urim and thummim” (our guidance), and 28:38 “the holy mitre” (our acceptance) (Message preached 13th Jan 2013)
Sit, Walk, Stand (29 mins)
Bert Cargill preaches from the epistle to the Ephesians on three things a Christian can do at once – sit in heavenly places; walk in love and stand against the evil one. A practical and helpful word of ministry bringing needed truth to remembrance – 29 min (Message preached 9th Sept 2012)
Going for Gold (22 mins)
John McCann preaches on “going for gold”. He gives a challenging word on “gold and our worship” (Matt 2), “gold and our work” (1 Cor 3) and “gold and our wealth” (Rev 2). He emphasises the need for quality, not quantity, in service for God (Message preached 25th March 2012)
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