Personal Testimonies

“I received the new birth!” – Ken Wilkins’ Testimony of Salvation

Ken Wilkins from Wallingford relates to the audience his story of how, when and where God reached and saved his soul. Brought up near Southampton in a Christian home, Ken tells how as a young child of nearly 7, he grasped the fact that he was a sinner and realised his need for a saviour, and how in simple childlike faith, he trusted the LORD Jesus Christ.

“I was so drunk, I didn’t know how I was standing” – Richard McClenaghan’s Testimony

Richard McClenaghan grew up in 1940s Belfast and had the privilege of a Christian home. Soon he rebelled against such an upbringing, becoming involved in smoking and other activities. Eventually, he ran to England and joined the army, drinking frequently and living an ungodly lifestyle. But God was working in Richard’s life and had not given up on him and continued to preserve him in his army career. Listen to how God ultimately brought Richard face-to-face with the reality that…

“I didn’t do anything, Christ has done it all!” – Tom Black’s Testimony of Salvation

Tom Black relates his testimony of Salvation. Growing up in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, Tom heard the gospel on a regular basis as a child. Though brought up in a godly home and from an early age, under the sound of the gospel, this did not make Tom a Christian. After various troubles and fears, Tom finally came under the conviction of sin and trusted Christ as saviour in a series of gospel meetings conducted by Jonathan Black and Stephen Harper…

“He was talking about me!” – Josh Jacob’s Testimony of Salvation.

Josh Jacob relates how, when and where God reached and saved him. He relates how his family first came into contact with the gospel through the efforts of the missionary evangelist Silas Fox, before going on to detail how God spoke to him in a school assembly taken by the Austrian missionary Charles E. Wigg. Shortly afterwards, Josh became convicted of his sins and rested upon the finished work of Christ. Josh closes his message by relating some of the…

“The gun was in my face and could have killed me” – Nick Harvey’s Testimony of Salvation

Nick Harvey grew up in a broken home in the 1960s and from an early age began to get into trouble. It began with stealing models from a local shop and ended with being involved in various addictions such as drugs, alcohol, reggae music and the festival scene. On numerous occasions, Nick could have died. He even had a gun pointed right in his face. Yet God amazingly brought Nick into contact with the gospel through various means and circumstances…

Bill Black’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)

Bill Black grew up in a religious home in Northern Ireland but knew nothing about God’s way of salvation. Moving to Perth, Scotland (photo above), to work in the Health Service, he met a young lady called Anna who was later to become his wife (whose godly mother was praying daily for the salvation of both of them). The Lord answered those prayers when Bill met a young man called Jim Legge who preached the gospel to him (Jim would…

John Fleck’s Testimony of Salvation (30 mins)

John Fleck relates his story of conversion as a boy growing up in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. In addition to hearing the gospel regularly preached, John was spoken to by a number of events, including the funeral of a neighbour, and a dream about the Lord’s coming. He sought salvation and found rest and peace in Christ one cold February night alone in his room pondering the work of the Saviour on the cross for him (Testimony given 5th Jul…

Baiju Balan’s Testimony of Salvation (38 mins)

Raised culturally Hindu, but also occasionally attending church services, Mr Baiju Balan did not hear the gospel until he was 20 years old. Pressured to pray a “prayer for salvation” before he even understood he was lost, Baiju carried on unchanged in his sins. However, a brush with death intervened and, while convalescing, he read the Sermon on the Mount and discovered he was the “chiefest of sinners”. Another person tried to get Baiju to put his name in this…

Mark Thomas’ Testimony of Salvation (26 mins)

Mark Thomas was born and bred in “the West country”, a few yards from the scenic Cheddar Gorge and just half an hour from the epicentre of the UK’s festival scene in Glastonbury. So, when Mark got into the drug and rave lifestyle as a young man, he had every opportunity right on his doorstep to dive into the ‘ecstasy culture’ where pleasure was defined as “putting yourself right out of your mind”. Despite a couple of close shaves with death, Mark…

Aaron Callaghan’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

Aaron Callaghan tells his story of conversion to Christ while at University in 2013. Growing up in a Christian family and taken to gospel meetings from childhood, Aaron’s story demonstrates conclusively that “knowing the facts” of the gospel is not enough. Aaron wanted to go to University far from home in order to get away from the influence of the gospel – but God overruled his circumstances and Aaron was graciously brought to salvation (Testimony given in Bicester 22nd July…

A Great Escape – Clive Barber’s Testimony (62 mins)

Born in the UK, baptised as an 8 day old baby and given communion from 6 months old, Clive Barber spent the first 17 years of his life in a legalistic religious sect that held meetings every day of the year. However, during that whole time, Clive never learned he was a lost sinner in need of God’s salvation. Excommunicated and told to leave his home at age 17 (for infringing the sect’s rules), Clive turned against Christ, the Bible…

Kamil Golebiewska’s Testimony of Salvation (88 mins)

Raised a Roman Catholic in Poland, Kamil Golebiewska grew up wishing he was as godly as Pope John Paul II. However, after coming to the UK at the age of 20, Kamil stopped going to church. He later took up attending another church and was even baptised, but had still never been born again. After attending a series of gospel meetings in a Gospel Tent in 2017 Kamil finally understood he was a lost and helpless sinner – but that…

Jonathan Black’s Testimony of Salvation (18 mins)

Jonathan Black relates the story of his conversion to Christ at the age of 19. Raised in a Christian family, Jonathan said he was saved at 10 years of age. Despite an initial burst of enthusiasm, his life evidenced no long-term change and he ended up in his late teens a thoroughly worldly young man enjoying the pleasures of the world. However, God graciously worked in his life. He was truly saved one day while sitting in his car at…

The Story of Two Crosses – William Coltman’s Testimony (36 mins)

Tim Coltman tells the amazing life story of his great grand-father William Coltman (VC, DCM & Bar, MM & Bar), the most highly decorated non-commissioned officer of World War 1 (British Army). Coltman, a believer in Christ, would not take up arms, but served as a stretcher bearer on the battle fields in France and Belgium. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for valour in the saving of lives; but his greater interest lay in “the cross of Christ” through which he knew the…

David Hutchinson’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

David Hutchinson grew up in a Christian family and knew the Scriptures from young age. When he reached the 6th form at School he felt drawn to the world…but God overruled David’s choice to neglect the gospel and brought him back to reality. At 16 he faced up to his need of salvation. Listen to hear how he found deliverance. (Testimony given in Bicester 29th Oct 2017)