Personal Testimonies (Page 3)

Personal Testimonies (Page 3)

Theodore Chaisson’s Testimony of Salvation (24 mins)

Theodore Chiasson, born and raised in a Roman Catholic home in Cape Breton Island, Canada, relates his story of conversion as a 24 year old young man back in the 1970’s, after hearing the gospel for the very first time. Theodore had a wholesome God-fearing childhood, but at college he went into drugs and ended up disillusioned and empty. Then a Christian witnessed to him and gave him a Bible…and the Lord saved him that same day! (Testimony given in…

Scott Hayes’ Testimony of Salvation (22 mins)

Scott Hayes from Iowa, USA, relates how as a proud 17-year-old basketball and motorcross enthusiast he was first awakened to his need of a Saviour through the tragic death of an uncle. Scott was brought to Christ during a series of gospel meetings in which around 40 others were also saved in Stout, Iowa, under the preaching of Albert Hull and Gaius Goff in the 1970’s (Testimony given in Bicester on 17th March 2013)

James Armstrong’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)

James Armstrong relates the story of his conversion to Christ as a teenager in Northern Ireland. He tells of the different ways in which God spoke to him over a period of time, convicting him of his need of salvation, and how He trusted Christ through the words of Isaiah 53:5 (Testimony given 13th Jan 2013)

Terry Halpin’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)

Terry Halpin, from London, tells how God saved him from a life of atheism and drugs through a remarkable set of circumstances. Setting out to disprove Christianity wrong, Terry actually found himself unable to refute the truth and instead realised he was a sinner in need of God’s salvation (Testimony given Sept 14th 2011)

Terry Topley’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)

Terry Topley was born in 1961 in Co Down, Northern Ireland. As a child he had ambitions to become a Priest. Faithful to the Mass and Confession, Terry believed in the sacraments and all his church taught him. When “the troubles” began in 1969 his life was threatened and he had to move house. In his new location he got to know a Christian lady whose life and testimony made a deep impression on him. She shared the gospel with…

Stan Burditt’s Testimony of Salvation (44 mins)

Stan Burditt, who often visited us in Hebron Gospel Hall over many years, tells on this recording the remarkable story of his and his wife’s conversion to Christ while in the Royal Air Force, back in the 1950’s. Another young man, saved at the same time, Colin Stewart by name, later became an overseer in Hebron Gospel Hall and shepherded the assembly here for a generation. Stan’s is a most interesting and quite amazing story that powerfully illustrates the power…

Bill Dornan’s Testimony of Salvation (20 mins)

Bill Dornan left Ireland in 1954. Coming to Coventry in England, he soon developed a taste for drink. He lived without God and wasted his life, until one day he committed a serious crime and faced the possibility of 20 years behind bars. But, at the age of 60, on 21st September 1993, he was saved through the preaching of the gospel, the night before he was due to be sentenced. Bill lived to prove the reality of God’s salvation…

Frank Sona’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

Frank Sona didn’t grow up in a Christian family. Being born and raised in a Jewish area of the state of New Jersey, USA, Frank developed a childhood fascination with Judaism and sometimes attended the local synagogue. Frank’s parents decided to take him to Sunday School where he finally heard about the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. During a special week of children’s meetings Frank discovered his need of salvation – “my sin became real to me” –…

Marvin Derksen’s Testimony of Salvation (34 mins)

Marvin Derksen relates the thrilling and absorbing story of his religious upbringing in the Mennonite church and how he was saved after a long struggle with self-righteousness. Born in Ontario, Canada, Marvin grew up to go to church, read the Bible at home, and give thanks for his food. He made a commitment, got baptised, joined his church, took communion, sang in the choir, and engaged in “church work”, but he knew nothing of God’s salvation. Then in 1967, Marvin’s…

John Dennison: My Conversion and Call (42 mins)

John Dennison (Phoenix, USA), relates the story of his conversion to Christ. As a child he attended the Stark Road Gospel Hall in Livonia, Michigan where he heard the gospel and was born again. Baptised there and received into fellowship, the way opened up for service in the gospel as a young man and John was eventually called by the Lord into full-time service for the Lord, a call that took him and his family to Mexico to preach the…

Tommy Wright’s Testimony of Salvation (15 mins)

Tommy Wright relates the story of his conversion to Christ in 1952. As is common with young people, on entering his teens, Tommy began to drift away from interest in the gospel and tried to get out of “going to meetings”. But the godly influence of his mother prevailed. With tears in her eyes one day she said to Tommy “So, you’ve chosen the world”. Listen to hear how God used this in Tommy’s awakening and salvation. (Testimony given on…

John Hurley’s Testimony of Salvation (18 mins)

John Hurley tells how he was saved in 2008 in his fifties after a long journey from Sunday School, to Marxism, heavy metal music, through a number of churches to eventual salvation in Christ (Message preached 5th April 2009)

Robin Steele’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)

Robin Steele recounts the story of how he came to Christ in 1975 at the age of 17. He had known the gospel from a child but certain events were used of God to awaken him as a worldly teenager to think of eternity (Message preached 26th October 2008)