The Offices of Christ

The Offices of Christ

Christ as Prophet (42 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on the topic of Christ’s office as prophet from Deut 18:15-22. He defines what a prophet is, and then distinguishes between Christ as prophet, as priest and as king. He explains how Christ fulfilled the prophetic office, only speaking what He heard from His Father. Dan also gives counsel from Deut 18 as to how to avoid falling for the many false prophets that are moving freely in Christendom today (Message preached 7th Oct 2018)

Christ the King (46 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the topic of Christ’s office as King – the requirement of a King (His times); the royal house of the King (His tribe); the record of the King (His titles); the rejection of the King (His trial) and the reign of the King (His throne). He explains why the Bible never describes Christ as the “king of the Church” and draws a distinction between the Father’s throne, on which Christ now sits in heaven, and David’s…

Christ our Great High Priest (49 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the topic of Christ as our Great High Priest under 6 headings: the office, the order, the oath, the offerer, the offering and the outcome. Basing his remarks on the epistle to the Hebrews, Jonathan explains that Christ is priest “after the pattern of Aaron” and after “the order of Melchizedek”. Christ’s death was a priestly offering, offered by our Great High Priest, once for all, in the completed value of which He entered once into…