Women of the Bible

Women of the Bible

Women who knew Paul (43 mins)

Josh Jacob closes the sermon series on “Women in the Bible” with a message about women known to the apostle Paul, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Lydia and two sisters in Philippi named Euodias and Syntyche. The commendation that Paul gives these and other women forever puts to rest any idea that Paul was a misogynist! Josh starts in Romans 16 with a long list of names commended by Paul, including numerous women (Message preached 19th Nov 2017)

Mary and Martha (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, who lived in Bethany near Jerusalem at the time of Christ. This is a practical and challenging message about the Christian home, hospitality, holiness, personal devotion, Bible Reading and worship. Jonathan encourages his audience to take time to “sit at Christ’s feet”, despite all the distractions of the present day (Message preached 5th Nov 2017)

Esther (36 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on Esther, the Jewish orphan girl who became the Queen of an empire. The narrative in the Bible book of Esther uniquely displays the “Master Weaver” – God – in action, not mentioned by name, but ever moving behind the scenes. Esther was “governed by His providence”, “grew according to His plan”, was “guarded by His power” and “guided by His purpose” (Message preached 15th Oct 2017)

Naomi, Ruth and Orpah (43 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. Naomi – a triumph of grace in restoration; Ruth – a trophy of grace in redemption; Orpah – a tragedy regarding grace, in rejection. After an interesting introduction about the remarkable inclusion of unexpected women in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew 1, Jonathan brings a practical and helpful line of teaching from the book of Ruth (Message preached 1st Oct 2017)

Jochebed and Miriam (41 mins)

 Joshua Jacob preaches on Jochebed and Miriam – mother and daughter – from Exodus 2 and Hebrews 11. Jochebed was a godly mother, marked by foresight, fortitude, and fervour, and whose future was seen in the remarkable lives of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. From Jochebed lessons can be learned as to the care and skills needed to raise a family for God in a difficult day. Miriam is looked at as to her character, her choir and her chastening (Message…

Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah (43 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on the wives of the patriarchs and draws out practical lessons from each one. Sarah a woman of faith; Rebekah a woman of hope; Rachel a woman of love; Leah a woman of grace. Sarah – “taught by God”; Rebekah “sought by the servant”; Rachel “wrought for by Jacob”; Leah “fought for her family”. Mr Mellish lays emphasis on seeking the mind of God and becoming a child of destiny, as well as longing to produce children…