Sermons by David Castles

Sermons by David Castles

The Glory of God – Our Aim (37 mins)

David Castles preaches on the the aim of the Christian life from 1 Cor 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” The child of God is given the privilege of bringing glory to God – of ascribing the honour and praise due to Him because of His divine being, attributes and actions. David explains that as Christ glorified God on the earth, so we ourselves live to God’s glory…

John Mark (42 mins)

David Castles preaches on John Mark, the writer of the gospel of Mark, and the companion of Paul. Converted through the preaching of Peter, with a godly mother in Mary, John Mark went from failure to fruitfulness as a servant of God. He then wrote a gospel about the “perfect servant”, the Lord Jesus Christ! The unique features of Mark’s gospel are also helpfully spelt out in this message (Message preached 30th Apr 2015)

Christ – A Saviour Like No Other (43 mins)

David Castles preaches on the uniqueness of Christ, viewing His place in prophecy, society, history and eternity. It takes 4 separate gospels to begin to unfold the greatness of Him who is a King like no other, a servant like no other, a man like no other and a Son like no other. Christ is not one among many great teachers and leaders – He stands unique as the peerless Saviour and mighty Redeemer (Message preached 22nd Jan 2015)

The Saviour in Proverbs (23 mins)

David Castles preaches on references to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Proverbs. He groups them under three headings: Christ as the Son, Christ as the Saviour, and Christ as the Sovereign. Since Christ is the personification of wisdom, there is much in Proverbs that can be looked at in a Christological light (Message preached 2nd Nov 2014)

The Sluggard vs The Diligent Man (22 mins)

David Castles compares the sluggard – the lazy, slothful man – of Proverbs, with his opposite – the diligent man. The sluggard makes excuses, rarely starts anything and never finishes what he does. Applying these characteristics to the spiritual realm, David urges his audience to diligence in study of the Scriptures and in service for the Lord. “Go to the ant thou sluggard”! (Message preached 28th Sept 2014)

1 Thessalonians Ch 2 and 3 (47 mins)

David Castles expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapters 2 and 3, chapters which highlight the apostle Paul’s concern for the assembly at Thessalonica. David draws lessons for his audience from Paul’s exemplary affection, direction and prayers for protection for the saints (Message preached 27th Mar 2014)

David Castles’ Testimony of Salvation (38 mins)

David Castles tells how, while at Oxford University, he realised he was not truly saved, though he had thought he was for a good number of years. His self-deception was slowly but surely uncovered and he was eventually delivered through the preaching of the gospel and the Holy Spirit’s application of the word of God to his soul (Testimony given in 2002)