Sermons by James Cartwright

Sermons by James Cartwright

Exodus 6: I am the LORD (49 mins)

James Cartwright helpfully explains the Location, Outline, Relevance, and Details of Exodus 6, a chapter in which God declares five times, “I am the LORD”. He looks at God’s faithful promise to deliver the children of Israel from the burden of Egypt.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 4 (46 mins)

James Cartwright expounds for the audience, 1 Timothy 4 – a chapter which provides essential details regarding the dangers of apostasy to a local church. He outlines Paul’s key guidelines for living a godly “servant-like” life.

Genesis 35: Returning to Bethel (37 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 35 on Jacob’s return to Bethel after his years of delay in Shechem. After looking at the importance, instruction, itinerary and ingredients of the chapter, James goes through the various practical lessons that can be learnt from Jacob’s spiritual progress in the chapter. Please note that the discussion part of the Bible Class was not recorded.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “The Prodigal Son” and “He that hath the Son” (41 mins)

Gene Higgins opens the gospel meeting by reading from Luke 15 about the biblical parable about the prodigal son – challenging his audience with an unusual on – which of the brothers in the story, are they most like? James Cartwright closes the meeting by preaching a simple yet powerful gospel message on 1 John 5:12, urging his audience to ask themselves whether they have eternal life, which can be found in the son – the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “He was wounded” and “It is finished” (39 mins)

In a weighty and powerful gospel meeting, the audience is brought to Calvary and to the sacrifice that Christ offered there. Gene Higgins opens the meeting by preaching from Isaiah 53:5 on Christ’s sufferings on the cross – emphasizing why Christ died for sins. James Cartwright continues by preaching from John 19:30, on one word – “Finished”. He drives home the glorious truth that the work is complete, the sufferings are over and there is nothing that anyone can add…

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Come see a man” and “Ye must be born again” (39 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from John 4 on the woman of Samaria who exclaimed “Come see a man”. He uses the expression as a springboard to preach on what this Man has done, is doing, and will do in the future. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by preaching a simple yet powerful word on John 3:5 – “Ye must be born again”. He appeals to his audience yet again to make salvation a priority and urging them to be born again…

Gospel Meetings ’22: “What Road are you on?” and “How shall we escape?” (37 mins)

A gospel meeting landmarked by questions relating to the gospel. Gene Higgins opens the meeting by reading from Matthew 18 and compares the biblical broad and narrow way before asking his audience this question – what road are you on? He then goes on to describe life’s journey as one that you are on involuntarily, with an indespensible guidebook and with an inimitable foe. James Cartwright closes the meeting by asking his audience the question from Hebrews 2 – “How…

Gospel Meetings ’22: “They remembered His words” and “God be merciful to me a sinner” (40mins)

Kicking off the second week of drive-in gospel meetings in Bicester, James Cartwright opens with a message from Luke 24 on the Saviour’s words. He preaches on His words of warning, His words as He was wounded, His words as He welcomed and His words when He was worshipped. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by preaching from the parable of the pharisee and the publican – emphasing 3 major points, firstly how greatly you need to be saved, secondly how…

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Glad Tidings” and “3 Everlasting Truths in John 3:16” (33 mins)

Gene Higgins opens the meeting by reading from Luke 2 and compares the glad, global and gracious tidings that the angels presented to shepherds and compares them with the tidings of the gospel. James Cartwright follows on by preaching from the most well-known gospel verse – John 3:16. He brings out 3 everlasting truths presented in the text; the everlasting God, the everlasting gift and the everlasting gap.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Where Art Thou?” and “Seek ye the Lord” (40 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 3 on the first question in the Bible, asking his audience where they are spiritually located. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by preaching from the verse “Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”. Gene urges His audience to make seeking the Lord their greatest priority, given it’s implications for eternity.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the door” (20 mins)

Gene Higgins preaches powerfully on the illustration of salvation from the words “I am the door” (John 10:9). Gene goes on to outline salvation in the simplest of terms, emphasizing that entering the door is essential. Gene explains this statement made by the Lord Jesus by splitting it in two: the claim that he makes, and the condition that he sets.

Psalm 62: The “Only” Psalm (35 mins)

James Cartwright preaches on the 5 solas, the 5 “onlys”, of Psalm 62 – God as the only rock, salvation, defense, glory and refuge of His people. With God alone as our Rock we have stability, as our Saviour we have salvation, as our Defense we have serenity, as our Glory we have satisfaction and as our Refuge we have shelter.