Sermons by Peter Scarsbrook (Page 2)
What Church Should I Join?
PART 4 – Christians need a spiritual home. The Bible speaks of Christians being “gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Matt 18:20). In this message, Peter Scarsbrook looks at the truth of being part of a “local assembly”. Basing his remarks on Acts 2:42 he speaks of an assembly’s “foundation”, its “formation”, and a number of its vital “features”. If you are looking for scriptural guidance about assembly fellowship you will find this message helpful (Preached: 11th Aug…
What wilt thou have me to do?
PART 3 – You’ve been saved, so what comes next? When Saul was saved on the road to Damascus his first question was, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” He was seeking to be consecrated and devoted to the Lord! In this message Peter Scarsbrook uses Paul’s life as an example of what it means to be totally dedicated to the Lord and explains how a new believer can begin to please the Lord in obedience and service…
The Christian’s Three Enemies
PART 2 – Know your enemy! It is essential that the Christian be aware of the direction from which dangers and attacks will come along life’s journey to heaven. Peter Scarsbrook explains that the Bible reveals three enemies – “the world”, “the flesh” and “the Devil”. Learn what the Bible has to say about conflict with these adversaries and how to overcome in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Peter outlines the armour of the Christian from Ephesians Chapter…
The Blessings of Salvation
PART 1 – What happened when you got saved? Peter Scarsbrook preaches on five of the blessings that became true of you the moment you were saved. 1) You became eternally secure, 2) You were indwelt by the Holy Spirit, 3) You became part of the church which is His body, 4) You joined the family of God and 5) Your nationality changed as you became a citizen of heaven. This is a beginner’s guide to the blessings of salvation,…
An Overview of 1 Corinthians (38 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook gives an overview of the apostle Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians. He works through the 16 chapters of the epistle one by one, outlining each chapter’s chief characteristics and giving practical teaching therefrom. He contends that “carnality” was the chief problem at Corinth which in turn gave rise to all of the other problems in the assembly (division, immorality, idolatry etc.) (Message preached 10th Mar 2016)
Honouring Your Master (37 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “honouring your master” and looks at the very practical subject of “the Christian in the workplace”. What kind of career should a Christian take up? How can a Christian have a good testimony at work? What temptations are there in the work place? How should a Christian act in relation to Trade Unions, Christmas parties, and other issues of conscience? A helpful and wide-ranging message (Message preached 28th Feb 2016)
King Solomon (40 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s third King – Solomon. His wisdom, his workmanship, his worship and his worldliness. Solomon’s life has left many powerful lessons for us to learn, and this message presses them home with earnestness and power (Message preached 13th Feb 2014)
King David (40 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s second King – the Lord’s anointed – David. In a wide ranging message he brings out many great truths, interesting insights and refreshing thoughts to instruct, encourage and challenge God’s people. A very helpful message (Message preached 6th Feb 2014)
King Saul (40 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s first King – the people’s choice – Saul. He draws pertinent and powerful lessons from the life of the man who was head and shoulders above all the people, but who ultimately left behind a legacy of failure (Message preached 30th Jan 2014).
The Manna as a Type of Christ (43 mins)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 1 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the Manna that fell in the wilderness during the journey of the Israelites to Canaan. He draws Christ-exalting and practical teaching and lessons from this beautiful Old Testament type (Message preached 12th Jan 2012)
Aaron as a Type of Christ (47 mins)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 4 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Aaron and the office of Israel’s High Priest as a type of Christ. He combines doctrinal content with practical exhortations and encouragements from this fascinating subject (Message preached 2nd Feb 2012)
David as a Type of Christ (43 mins)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 3 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches very helpfully on David – from shepherd boy to King over all Israel – as a choice Old Testament type of Christ, great David’s greater Son (Message preached 26th Jan 2012)
The Ark of the Covenant as a Type of Christ (43 mins)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 2 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the ark of the covenant – its construction, purpose, contents and movements. He expounds the ark’s rich typology and explains various lessons to be learnt from it in connection with worship and service (Message preached 19th Jan 2012)
Standing for God
Easter Conference 2011 – Peter Scarsbrook opens the conference with an encouraging word on “standing for God”. Standing for the faith, standing in the fight and standing in the field. He challenges his audience to “stand in the gap”, from Ezekiel 22:30. (Preached: 23rd April 2011)