Sermons on Assembly Truth

Togetherness in Christ (46 mins)

In this episode, Ken Wilkins shares valuable lessons from the inspiring lives of Aquila and Priscilla. He highlights their unwavering unity in Christ, their dedication to working together in service to God, and their ability to balance their profession with their assembly responsibilities. Despite facing life’s challenges, they remained steadfast in their faith and commitment to one another, offering a timeless example of God-honouring partnership and resilience.

The Metaphors of an Assembly (46 mins)

Part 5: David McAllister looks at eight different metaphors for a local assembly in the New Testament. 1 – A Tillage/Field in 1 Corinthians 3:5-9, 2 – A Building in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15, 3 – A Temple in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 4 – A Body in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 5 – A Flock – Acts 20:28-31 6 – A Family/Household – 1 Timothy 3:15, 5:1-2. 7 – A Betrothed Woman – 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 8 – A Lampstand – Revelation…

The Maintenance of an Assembly (49 mins)

Part 4: David McAllister carefully examines how assemblies can be maintained through various aspects of ‘ministry’. He looks first at the “words” associated with ministry, demonstrating how it does not mean ordained clergy like the religious word, but instead means to minister, seven, a servant (Grk: diakoneo and diakonos). David helpfully expounds how it has both spiritual and practical meanings, using this as a springboard to deal with the ‘width’ of ministry, exhorting the audience to understand that no one…

The Meetings of an Assembly (56 mins)

Part 3: David McAllister takes a scriptural and close examination at the various meetings of a local assembly – explaining how scripture makes it clear what goes on in an assembly and why. He then goes on to firstly outline the particulars of the meetings, showing clearly from the word of God, the mandate and pattern for meetings such as the breaking of bread, gospel meeting, ministry meeting and prayer meeting. David closes by looking at the presence at meetings…

The Members of an Assembly (44 mins)

Part 2: In the second night of ministry, David McAllister provides an excellent, scriptural appraisal as to the issue of of fellowship within a local church and the biblical principles associated with membership in a local assembly. David deals firstly with five scriptural requirements for fellowship: Conversion – for Believers only, Confession for those who are baptised, Confidence – in God’s word, Character – morally of a person and finally conviction, those who wish to be in fellowship are convinced…

The Meaning of an Assembly (53 mins)

Part 1: Opening up a special series of meetings, David McAllister provides an incredibly helpful message on “The Meaning of An Assembly”. David deals with three questions in the course of the message: What is an Assembly? Whose is an Assembly? and Where is an Assembly? Much time is given to outline the vital and important differences between the ‘Church which is his body’ of Matthew 16 and the ‘local church’ of Matthew 18. Clarification is provided as to why…

“Let This Mind Be In You” (28 mins)

Likening God’s assembly to an orchestra, Gene Higgins reads Philippians 2:1-16 and gives encouraging, practical and challenging ministry on the need for believers to be of one mind – the mind of Christ Jesus.

Lampstand Testimony (35 mins)

After reading from Revelation 1 and referring to the 7 lampstands of the chapter, Gene Higgins preaches a powerful and weighty sermon on the importance of assembly testimony. Gene teaches the importance of assembly truth under 3 headings: Testimony is to be Christ-Centred Testimony is to be Spirit Dependent Testimony is to be Highly Treasured This message will repay careful listening as various foundational truths are brought before the audience such as unity amongst the saints, the focus of our…

The Lord’s Supper (50 mins)

Josh Jacob continues on from the previous weeks’ message and exposits the latter half of 1 Corinthians 11. Josh explains the Why, What, When Where and Who of the Lord’s Supper, giving a scriptural defence of the regularity of this assembly gathering, challenging his audience to grasp the truth of the Lord being present. Josh closes his message by briefly remarking on the scriptural truth of the “one cup”, and offers a concise and clear explanation of its singularity and…

1 Corinthians 11:1-16 – Headship (45mins)

Jonathan Black preaches a clear ‘back-to-basics’ message on the key assembly principles of Headship, as found in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 – expounding the chapter to teach what the Bible says about gender roles within the local assembly. Jonathan deals with many key truths in this passage, including; headship, head-coverings and gender specific meetings, treating them scripturally and sensitively. (Preached: 23rd June 2022)

An Overview of Contemporary Spiritual Gifts (53 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches a comprehensive and challenging message on the subject of “contemporary spiritual gifts”. After introductory remarks distinguishing between revelatory, confirmatory and contemporary gifts, Dan Rudge gives insight into the 10 contemporary gifts in detail.

Singing and Worship

PART 6 – John Dennison give helpful ministry on worship in the context of assembly gatherings. After explaining the meaning and motive for worship, he points out the change the Lord Jesus announced in John Ch 4 and the ramifications for worship in our current era. He spends the rest of the message giving scriptural backing for the format of the open worship (singing, giving thanks, praying etc) at the breaking of bread meeting, and gives practical encouragement for those…

What is Assembly Fellowship?

PART 3 – John Dennison asks the question “What is assembly fellowship?” He distinguishes between different kinds of fellowship in the Bible, each one of which involves three distinct things: partnership, partnering and partners. He then makes a persuasive case that a local assembly of God is a “doctrinal fellowship”. In other words, at its root assembly fellowship is neither a social experience nor a subjective experience but an objective reality; and what will determine if I am in fellowship…

Headship and the Head Covering

PART 4 – John Dennison works his way down 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (and 1 Cor 14:33-36) and deals with the Biblical subject of “the hierarchy of headship”, explaining 1. what it means for male and female roles in the local assembly and 2. how its symbolic display is seen in head coverings and hair length. He shows clearly that head coverings are not a “cultural issue” but rather something required of assemblies in all cultures, times and places. He explains…

Assembly Reception and Letters of Commendation

PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on the topic of “assembly reception” or “coming into fellowship” in an assembly. He outlines the 4 key verbs in Acts 2:41-42 – “received” his Word, were “baptised”, were “added” and “continued”. He expounds the three reasons why a person can be refused fellowship, and the three ways someone can be received into fellowship. Finally he makes a persuasive case for the use of distinct seating at the Lord’s Supper for those who have…