Sermons by David McAllister

Sermons by David McAllister

The Gospel in Five Words (27 mins)

David McAllister preaches a powerful gospel message, explaining the gospel in five words: Christ. Died. For. Our. Sins. Taking up 1 Corinthians 15:3, David emphasises the importance of “our sins”, the problem that we have, but the remedy that has been provided because “Christ died”. What links these great truths? The word “for”. It was for our sins that Christ has died. This message will repay careful listening for those who are struggling to understand why Christ died. (Message preached…

The Metaphors of an Assembly (46 mins)

Part 5: David McAllister looks at eight different metaphors for a local assembly in the New Testament. 1 – A Tillage/Field in 1 Corinthians 3:5-9, 2 – A Building in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15, 3 – A Temple in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 4 – A Body in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 5 – A Flock – Acts 20:28-31 6 – A Family/Household – 1 Timothy 3:15, 5:1-2. 7 – A Betrothed Woman – 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 8 – A Lampstand – Revelation…

The Maintenance of an Assembly (49 mins)

Part 4: David McAllister carefully examines how assemblies can be maintained through various aspects of ‘ministry’. He looks first at the “words” associated with ministry, demonstrating how it does not mean ordained clergy like the religious word, but instead means to minister, seven, a servant (Grk: diakoneo and diakonos). David helpfully expounds how it has both spiritual and practical meanings, using this as a springboard to deal with the ‘width’ of ministry, exhorting the audience to understand that no one…

The Meetings of an Assembly (56 mins)

Part 3: David McAllister takes a scriptural and close examination at the various meetings of a local assembly – explaining how scripture makes it clear what goes on in an assembly and why. He then goes on to firstly outline the particulars of the meetings, showing clearly from the word of God, the mandate and pattern for meetings such as the breaking of bread, gospel meeting, ministry meeting and prayer meeting. David closes by looking at the presence at meetings…

The Members of an Assembly (44 mins)

Part 2: In the second night of ministry, David McAllister provides an excellent, scriptural appraisal as to the issue of of fellowship within a local church and the biblical principles associated with membership in a local assembly. David deals firstly with five scriptural requirements for fellowship: Conversion – for Believers only, Confession for those who are baptised, Confidence – in God’s word, Character – morally of a person and finally conviction, those who wish to be in fellowship are convinced…

The Meaning of an Assembly (53 mins)

Part 1: Opening up a special series of meetings, David McAllister provides an incredibly helpful message on “The Meaning of An Assembly”. David deals with three questions in the course of the message: What is an Assembly? Whose is an Assembly? and Where is an Assembly? Much time is given to outline the vital and important differences between the ‘Church which is his body’ of Matthew 16 and the ‘local church’ of Matthew 18. Clarification is provided as to why…