Sermons on Assembly Truth with Various Speakers

Sermons on Assembly Truth with Various Speakers

Deacons and the Assembly (31 mins)

David Dalton preaches on “Deacons and the assembly”. He explains who deacons are, what they do, why they are needed and how they are qualified (Message given 16th October 2008)

The Lord and the Assembly (44 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the subject of “The Lord and the assembly”. He outlines the features, figures, functions and fellowship of the local assembly and urges us to attend, defend, extend and commend it (Message preached 9th Oct 2008)

Sisters and the Assembly (41 mins)

Scott Dunn preaches on “Sisters and the assembly”. He takes up the subject under the headings of submission, silence and service. Most of the message involves a verse by verse exposition of 1 Cor 11:1-16 (Message preached 2nd Oct 2008)

The World and the Assembly (41 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “The world and the assembly”. He covers our ministry to the world as well as looking at the world’s wrong mentality, methods and machinery all of which can adversely affect an assembly (Message given 18th September 2008)

Elders and the Assembly (48 mins)

John Salisbury preaches on “Elders and the assembly”. This is a comprehensive message on the calling, character, conduct and compensation of local assembly elders (Message given 11th September 2008