Sermons on 2013 Easter Conference with J Grant and D Gilliland
Victory over Human Wisdom
Easter Conference 2013 – John Grant preaches on overcoming the enslaving and oppressive power of human wisdom. From the narrative of Deborah’s victory over Jabin in Judges 4 and 5, which includes Jael’s deadly dealing with the scourge of Sisera, Mr Grant applies powerful and necessary lessons about progress and victory in the lives of God’s people. (Preached: 1st April 2013)
The Vow of the Nazarite
Easter Conference 2013 – John Grant preaches on the vow of the Nazarite from Numbers 6. He urges separation unto the Lord as he outlines the cause, the character, the conditions and the conclusion of the Nazarite’s vow. A warm hearted exhortation to dedication to the Lord. (Preached: 1st April 2013)
The Hazard of Spiritual Hypothermia
Easter Conference 2013 – David Gilliland preaches a searching message on the danger of spiritual coldness. He outlines the reasons and results of “spiritual hypothermia” before giving the Biblical remedy for this debilitating condition from the narrative of the Shunammite’s son in 2 Kings 4, who was warmed by the ministry of godly Elisha. (Preached: 1st April 2013)
The Four Seasons of the Christian Life
Easter Conference 2013 – David Gilliland preaches on the winter, spring, summer and autumn of the Christian life. The cold of our godless past, melted by the gospel’s warmth (Psalm 147:18); the spring of early Christian experience with its freshness, beauty and growth (Song of Songs 2:11-13); the summer of fruitfulness, stability and blessing (Amos 8:1), and the autumn of maturity and richness of colour with its legacy passed to the next generation (Job 5:26, 1 Chronicles 29:29). (Preached: 1st April…
Bible Reading – Hebrews 1:1-14
Easter Conference 2013 – David Gilliland opens up Hebrews Ch 1, expounds its content and then leads the gathered company through the whole chapter verse by verse. He outlines the unique structure of the chapter and elaborates on what God has to say “in Son”, “to His Son” and “about His Son”. (Conducted: 31st March 2013)
The Meaning of Baptism
Easter Conference 2013 – BAPTISM -David Gilliland preaches a baptism message which clearly outlines the command, confession, “copy” and challenge of baptism. This is a brief but succinct explanation of baptism with a strong gospel thrust. (Preached: 31st March 2013)
The Danger of Perishing and John 3:16
Easter Conference 2013 – GOSPEL – David Gilliland preaches a powerful and pointed warning message on the danger of perishing and the divine rescue provided in Christ. John Grant closes with a fresh look at John 3:16, assuring sinners of a welcome for the whosoever will. (Preached: 31st March 2013)
Adorning the Doctrine
Easter Conference 2013 – David Gilliland explains what it means to “adorn the doctrine” from Titus 2:10. He highlights 4 major doctrines – justification, sanctification, redemption and reconciliation – and urges his audience to frame these great doctrines within lives of practical righteousness, holiness, freedom and forgiveness, thus “adorning the doctrine”. A thought provoking and challenging message. (Preached: March 30th 2013)
The Devotion of a Hebrew Servant
Easter Conference 2013 – John Grant preaches on the devoted Hebrew servant of Exodus 21 and applies it to his audience as an illustration of the devotion that should mark present day Christians. The narrative provides a challenging line of ministry on our bond-service to Christ, the best of Masters. (Preached: 30th March 2013)