Sermons on 2024 Easter Conference with A Baijal, D Rudge, C Munro & I Jackson

2024 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (3/3)

Over 40 mins of hymns from the post-conference hymn sing. Hymns include: “On that most holy morn”, “O Christ in thee, my soul hath found”, “O for a closer walk with God”, “We’re marching to Zion”, “When I survey”, “It is well with my soul”, “Lord when I think upon the love”, “When we all get to Heaven”, “I once was bound in Satan’s chains”, “I am thine O Lord”, “Saviour more than life to me”, “How good is the…

2024 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (2/3)

Over 33 mins of hymn singing from the Easter Monday of the conference weekend.  Hymns include: “Crown him with many crowns”, “Jesus our Lord”, “Gazing on Thee Lord”, “Jesus lover of my soul”, “Jesus Thy Name is Love”, “Lamb of God, Our Souls adore Thee”, “O Wonderful Wonderful Word of the Lord”, “My Lord has Garments”, “I am thine O Lord”, “Abide with me”,

The Dawn of a New Day (54 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Alasdair Baijal closes the conference by examining the closing verses of Mark 16. After helpfully taking time to demonstrate the authenticity and authority of these verses, Alasdair looks at practical lessons that can be learnt from these post resurrection events.

The Mystery of God (54 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Dan Rudge expounds Revelation 10, which deals with a further “mystery doctrine” in the NT, concerning the mystery of God.

We Shall All Be Changed (52 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Ian Jackson expounds 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, which deals with one of the “Mystery Doctrines of the New Testament”, the mystery that we shall all be changed. Ian demonstrates how this doctrine has authority, certainty, necessity and a continuity.

Gospel: Do You Belong to Christ? (46 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: In a weighty gospel meeting, Ian Jackson preaches from Galatians 5 on “them that are Christ’s”, asking those in the audience whether they belong to him. Ian particularly labours the vital truth that before one ever gets saved they have to come to the end of self. Craig Munro continues this theme by preaching on things that belong to Christ, his first fruits, his flock and his family.

He Ascended! (37 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Ian Jackson expounded the parenthesis of Ephesians 4:9-10, that deal with the wondrous truth that Christ hath ascended but before that descended into the “lowest parts” of the earth.

The Secret of Contentment (33 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Craig Munro preaches a practical and challenging message on the secret of contentment, bringing the audience to four locations in lamentations and drawing out applications concerning compassion, contentment, carefulness, companionship and counsel.

Reclaiming the Rainbow (38 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Alasdair Baijal opens up the Easter Conference weekend by preaching a message on “reclaiming the rainbow”. A symbol that has become widely used in popular culture, Alasdair goes back to the scriptures to examine three references to a rainbow in scripture, from which he draws out pertinent lessons.

Bible Reading in Colossians 4 (87 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Ian Jackson opens and leads a conversational Bible Reading on the passage Colossians 4:2-19. This passage is one that provides incredibly practical advice with regard to prayer, but also important details concerning the companions of the Apostle Paul.