Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 2)
The Blessings of Salvation (48 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: Ken Totton expounds 1 Peter 1:1-9, exploring the blessings of salvation and how the believer can enjoy them. Ken draws on Old Testament passages that shed light on this portion of scripture and powerfully applies the chapter, emphasising how we should live in the good of our salvation, and that as a result, we should be different from the world in our daily walk. An excellent treatise of an all-important chapter.
Gospel: Christ Died For Our Sins (30 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: Malcolm Radcliffe preaches the gospel from John 3:16 – A Love Expressed, Revelation 20 – A Lake Eternal and Isaiah 45:22 – A look that is essential, drawing out fundamental gospel truths from these passages. John Rogers looks at 1 Corinthians 15 and 2 Corinthians 5, examining Hearers that are deceived and A Message is declared. A solemn gospel meeting that is well worth listening to, as both preachers stress the essentiality and necessity of the gospel.
Bible Reading in Revelation 20:1-14 (90 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: On the Sunday Afternoon of the Conference, a Bible Reading was conducted and the subject was Revelation 20:1-14, a vital chapter concerning God’s prophetic programme. The chapter is treated in a literal, dispensational and futurist manner, with helpful contributions from many brethren present.
Male Haircuts in the Bible (61 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: At the close of the Conference, ministry is given on an incredibly unique subject: haircuts in the Bible. Examining four male haircuts in the Bible, lessons are drawn with regard to appearance, the strength that we have as believers and also our relationships in the assembly. A most interesting and singular message.
The Feeding of the 5000 (30 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: Malcolm Radcliffe opens up the Easter Conference weekend by preaching a warm and Christ-exalting word on the “feeding of the 5000” as presented in John’s Gospel. After examining the uniqueness of the presentation in John’s Gospel, Malcolm continues to look at groups of people described in John’s account: The Proving of Phillip, the Answer of Andrew, the Lessons from the Lad, the Duty of the Disciples and the Sufficiency of the Saviour. (Message preached Saturday 8th April…
Christ in the Genealogies of the Gospels (48 mins)
EASTER CONF 2023: Genealogies often are termed irrelevant and seen as a mere list of names. Over the course of this sermon, the audience is presented with six key lessons that can be learned regarding the person of Christ in the genealogies. Two oft-neglected passages were handled in a thorough and helpful manner.
Psalm 16: My Lot
Easter Conference 2022 – Jonathan Black preaches a challenging message from Psalm 16 on my Lord (are you trusting Him?), my lot (are you satisfied with Him?), my life (are you living for Him?) and my longing (are we looking for him?). (Preached: 18th April 2022)
The House of God
Easter Conference 2022 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the titles given to the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, drawing out many practical lessons relating to the local assembly. (Preached: 18th April 2022)
Thou Shalt Not Covet
Easter Conference 2022 – Iain Lewis preaches on the final commandment- “thou shalt not covet”. (Preached: 18th April 2022)
The Gospel of God and the Wrath of God
Easter Conference 2022 – GOSPEL – Andrew Hutchison preaches on the “gospel of God”- the reality of God, the requirement of God and the road to God. Huw Rees follows with a challenging message on the 6 words of Christ- “flee from the wrath to come”! (Preached: 17th April 2022)
Bible Reading – Ephesians 6:10-24
Easter Conference 2022 – Mark Sweetnam leads a verse-by-verse Bible reading through Ephesians 6:10-24, looking at the provision of God in the ‘Armour of God’. (Conducted: 17th April 2022)
The True Evaluation of Things
Autumn Conference 2021 – Craig Munro preaches on 2 Samuel Ch 23 (numbers that count) and Ch 24 (counting numbers). He looks at the value of the service of David’s mighty men in their commitment, consecration etc. (Preached: 3rd Oct 2021)
5 Dangers and 5 Resources
Autumn Conference 2021 – Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Cor 10:1-11 where the apostle Paul highlights 5 dangers facing the Christian, and 5 resources God has given us to enable us to overcome, all sourced in the Old Testament record of the dealings of God with the children of Israel. (Preached: 3rd Oct 2021)
The Person of Christ
Autumn Conference 2021 – Mark Sweetnam expounds Hebrews 1:1-4, the profound Christological opening sentence of the New Testament book that has so much to tell us about the high priesthood of the Man at God’s right hand. (Preached: 3rd Oct 2021)
Heaven and the Lamb
Autumn Conference 2021 – GOSPEL- Colin Hutchison preaches the gospel from numerous references to heaven in the book of Revelation. Craig Munro continues in Revelation with a look at the Lamb as Saviour and judge. (Preached: 2nd Oct 2021)