Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 3)
Bible Reading – Philippians 2:1-14
Autumn Conference 2021 – Mark Sweetnam leads a verse by verse conversational Bible Reading in Philippians 2:1-14. (Conducted: 2nd Oct 2021)
Unfinished Business in the Life of David
Autumn Conference 2021 – Craig Munro preaches on “unfinished business in the life of David” from 2 Samuel Ch.s 20 and 21. Bones to be buried, giants to be slain, divisions to be healed, relationships to be sorted and past sin to be resolved. (Preached: 1st Oct 2021)
Judgement Must Begin at the House of God
Autumn Conference 2021 – Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Pet 4:17 – “Judgment must begin at the house of God”. After explaining what the house of God is, Colin develops various themes in connection with it and how the Christian should conduct himself in it. (Preached: 1st Oct 2021)
The Right Thing in the Right Place
Easter Conference 2019 – Frank Sona takes up the truth of the local assembly from Genesis Ch 22, where Abraham goes to “the place” out of “obedience to God’s Word”. He draws out many lessons from this pivotal day in the life of Abraham – a day that began with obedience and ended with worship. (Preached: 22nd April 2019)
Even So Send I You
Easter Conference 2019 – After showing how the Upper Room appearance of the Lord in John 20 is a picture of the local assembly, Ian Jackson preaches a powerful and challenging message on how to serve God when He sends us…with a “consecrated heart”, with an “undivided loyalty”, within a “separated pathway”, with a “submissive mind”, and with the “strengthening of the assembly” in view. (Preached: 22nd April 2019)
The Glory of God and Jesus Standing
Easter Conference 2019 – Ian Jackson preaches on the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7:54-60, and Stephen’s view of “the glory of God and Jesus standing”. He draws out numerous lessons from this pivotal passage concerning Israel, the church, God’s purpose for this age and the significance of “the man in the glory”, and the Holy Spirit’s present ministry on earth. (Preached: 22nd April 2019)
Ask For The Old Paths
Easter Conference 2019 – Frank Sona preaches on the Lord’s words in Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way and walk therein”. He highlights the four verbs in the verse and urges his audience to follow the path of obedience to the Word of God, not the “drive at your own risk road”. (Preached: 22nd April 2019)
I Sought for a Man
Easter Conference 2019 – Frank Sona brings a challenge from Ezekiel 22:30 where God says “I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me.” God is looking for holy, separated, dedicated men and women to stand for him in times of difficulty and danger. Will you be that person? (Preached: 21st April 2019)
Absolutes and “What is thy name?”
Easter Conference 2019 – GOSPEL – Frank Sona preaches on three absolutes. Absolute sufficiency (Acts 4:12); absolute certainty (John 10:28), and absolute solemnity (Acts 8:21). Ian Jackson closes with a look at two people in the Bible who were asked “What is thy name?” A seaching gospel meeting where the audience is directly and earnestly challenged as to sin, salvation and eternity. (Preached: 21st April 2019)
Bible Reading – Romans 3:19-31
Easter Conference 2019 – Ian Jackson opens up Romans 3:19-31, a vital passage for every Christian to grasp. A discussion of the passage follows, verse by verse, with help from Frank Sona, Mark Sweetnam and others. (Conducted: 21st April 2019)
Pray Without Ceasing
Easter Conference 2019 – From 1 Thess 5:17, “Pray without ceasing”, Ian Jackson preaches on the need for private, fervent, believing prayer in the life of every Christian. “The secret of failure, is failure in secret”. He urges us to be more prayerful and gives guidance on how to address God in prayer. (Preached: 20th April 2019)
Wilt thou not revive us again?
Easter Conference 2019 – Frank Sona begins the conference preaching form Psalm 85:6 – “Wilt thou not revive us again?” He highlights the need for revival and revival’s main features – including obedience to the Word of God, repentance, prayer and reliance on the Lord. (Preached: 20th April 2019)
Sow the Seed
Easter Conference 2018 – From Ecclesiastes 11, Craig Munro preaches on the Christian’s duty to “sow the seed”. (Preached: 2nd April 2018)
The Function of Gift
Easter Conference 2018 – David Vallance delivers a helpful sermon on the function of gift in a local assembly. He sets out the 20 New Testament gifts before discussing the gifts of serving exhorting, helping, giving and showing mercy. (Preached: 2nd April 2018)
The Pattern of the Assembly
Easter Conference 2018 – In a vital message, David Vallance sets out a clear defence of the concept that there is a definite prescribed pattern for the local assembly in the New Testament. He contrasts what is sometimes called the “regulatory principle” with the “normative principle”. While some would propose that “whatever is not prohibited is allowed”, David explains that in actual fact “what Scripture does not mention is prohibited”. He then explains what this means in practice and discusses the ramifications…