Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 6)

Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 6)

The Breaking of Bread

Easter Conference 2015 – Sandy Higgins gives an excellent overview of the institution, the purpose, the conduct and the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. This is an ideal message to give a broad understanding of “the breaking of bread” meeting as to how, when, why and where it should be conducted. The significance of the bread and cup are helpfully expounded. (Preached: 4th April 2015)

In the Wilderness

Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchison preaches on God’s provision for Christians as we find ourselves “in the wilderness”. In particular he takes up the three types mentioned in Hebrews Ch 9 – the manna, the rod that budded and the tables of stone – and draws spiritual practical lessons from each one. A helpful and challenging message. (Preached: 4th April 2015)

The Possibilities of One Meeting

Easter Conference 2015 – Sandy Higgins preaches on the Lord’s encounter with the disciples in John 20 and all that came about through that one significant meeting. Joy, guidance, unity and devotion resulted from seeing Him and listening to His words. Such are the possibilities of one meeting, once conference, one encounter with the Lord (Preached: 2nd April 2015)

God’s Will – Your Sanctification

Easter Conference 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on “His Will, Your Sanctification”, and gives a timely and challenging exposition of 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, highlighting the need for holiness in the life of the believer. He addresses matters of importance amid a climate of moral change in Western culture. (Preached: 21st April 2014)

Contending for the Faith

Easter Conference 2014 – David Vallance preaches a timely message from the epistle of Jude in which he addresses many of the false teachings that abound in our day. From Jude’s key verse 11, he applies the rebellion of Cain, the greed of Balaam and the pride of Korah to today’s world and makes challenging applications for godly living. (Preached: 21st April 2014)

Failure Doesn’t Need to be Final

Easter Conference 2014 – Ian Jackson delivers a stirring and sobering warning about the danger of moral failure in the life of a believer. If David can fall (1 Kings 15:1-5), as he did “in the matter of Uriah the Hittite”, none of us can afford to be complacent. Ian also gives a helpful explanation of Christ’s work as “the advocate” who works for the restoration of erring believers. (Preached: 21st April 2014)

The True Meaning of “Christian Liberty”

Easter Conference 2014 – Does “grace” mean a Christian is free to do as he pleases? If we are not under law, does that mean there are no rules at all? What is legalism and what is Christian freedom? David Vallance answers all these questions as he outlines the origin, location, paradox and discipline of Biblical Christian liberty. (Preached: 21st April 2014)

The Prodigal Son and “Few are Saved”

Easter Conference 2014 – GOSPEL – David Vallance preaches on the lostness of humanity from the 3 parables in Luke 15, and Ian Jackson presses home the import of the question posed to the Lord Jesus in Luke 13:23, “Lord, are there few that be saved?”. (Preached: 20th April 2014)

What Hymns are Suitable for Singing?

Easter Conference 2014 – David Vallance gives useful guidelines to help Christians make godly music and hymn singing choices. He examines CCM (“Contemporary Christian Music”), and on numerous levels – lyrics, music style, authors – finds it to be greatly inferior to that which preceded it…the “great hymns of the faith”. Despite the emotive nature of this topic, David approaches it dispassionately, intelligently and informatively. (Preached: 20th April 2014)

Is Matthew 18:20 really about our “Ground of Gathering”?

Easter Conference 2015 – David Vallance preaches on Matthew 18:20 (“For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name…”) and defends the view of this verse which takes it to be foundational in relation to the gathering together of the local assembly throughout the church dispensation. This message is deliberately technical in some parts and includes an in depth examination of the Greek text behind the verse. (Preached: 19th April 2014)

What is Fellowship?

Easter Conference 2014 – David Vallance preaches on the vital Biblical subject of fellowship. He distinguishes between “family fellowship” on the one hand, which all believers enjoy by virtue of being saved and in the family of God, and “assembly fellowship” on the other hand, which can be enjoyed by those who have been baptised and added to a local company of believers. (Preached: 17th April 2014)

He Endured!

Easter Conference 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on the endurance of Christ in the face of the “contradiction of sinners against Himself” and urges his audience to likewise endure, looking to Him and considering Him. (Preached: 9th April 2014)

Victory over Human Wisdom

Easter Conference 2013 – John Grant preaches on overcoming the enslaving and oppressive power of human wisdom. From the narrative of Deborah’s victory over Jabin in Judges 4 and 5, which includes Jael’s deadly dealing with the scourge of Sisera, Mr Grant applies powerful and necessary lessons about progress and victory in the lives of God’s people. (Preached: 1st April 2013)

The Vow of the Nazarite

Easter Conference 2013 – John Grant preaches on the vow of the Nazarite from Numbers 6. He urges separation unto the Lord as he outlines the cause, the character, the conditions and the conclusion of the Nazarite’s vow. A warm hearted exhortation to dedication to the Lord. (Preached: 1st April 2013)

The Hazard of Spiritual Hypothermia

Easter Conference 2013 – David Gilliland preaches a searching message on the danger of spiritual coldness. He outlines the reasons and results of “spiritual hypothermia” before giving the Biblical remedy for this debilitating condition from the narrative of the Shunammite’s son in 2 Kings 4, who was warmed by the ministry of godly Elisha. (Preached: 1st April 2013)