Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 8)
The Privileges and Priorities of Christian Parenthood
Easter Conference 2011 – Wesley Martin gives a very helpful and wise address on raising godly children under 4 headings; praying for our children, protecting our children, preparing our children and being a pattern for our children. (Preached: 25th April 2011)
Lessons from Philippians
Easter Conference 2011 – Wesley Martin preaches on lessons for the assembly from Philippians Ch. 1 “Fellowship in the gospel enjoyed”; Ch 2. “friction in the gathering exposed”; Ch 3. “focus on the goal encouraged”; and Ch. 4 “fragrance of giving exercised. (Preached: 25th April 2011)
The Bible’s Cure for Disharmony
Easter Conference 2011 – The Bible’s remedy for strife is totally counter-intuitive. Ian Jackson explains how it works, in an insightful and penetrating message on the cure for disharmony in an assembly. He takes up the example of the humility of Christ in surrendering His rights as outlined in Philippians Ch 2. (Preached: 25th April 2011)
The Preaching of the Cross and Valuable Things
Easter Conference 2011 – GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on how the cross answers the problem raised by the issue of God’s unutterable holiness versus man’s total ruin. Wesley Martin continues with the value of man’s soul, Calvary’s sacrifice and the precious Saviour. (Preached: 24th April 2011)
The Red Heifer
Easter Conference 2011 – Ian Jackson preaches from Numbers 19 (the red heifer) and takes up the problem and danger of the defiling effect of sin in the believer’s life, both in the world and in the home. He warns against becoming used to and unconcerned by that which nullifies our effectiveness for God. (Preached: 24th April 2011)
Christ the Regulator of the Believers Life
Easter Conference 2011 – Wesley Martin delivers a challenging practical word of ministry on the blood of Christ which demands our sanctification; the reproach of Christ that declares our calculation; and the love of Christ that directs our consecration. (Preached: 24th April 2011)
Revision of Basic Principles
Easter Conference 2011 – Wesley Martin preaches a comprehensive and helpful message called “A first century template for 21st century testimony”. He outlines “salvation and its reality”, “baptism and its necessity”, “gathering and its authority” and “commitment and its priority”. (Preached: 23rd April 2011)
Standing for God
Easter Conference 2011 – Peter Scarsbrook opens the conference with an encouraging word on “standing for God”. Standing for the faith, standing in the fight and standing in the field. He challenges his audience to “stand in the gap”, from Ezekiel 22:30. (Preached: 23rd April 2011)
Preaching the Gospel
Easter Conference 2010 – Phil Coulson preaches a weighty message from Acts 28 on the dignity of public preaching and the purity of the message of the gospel. (Preached: 5th April 2010)
The Unchanging Gospel
Easter Conference 2010 – Phil Coulson preaches on the unchanging gospel. He traces (in Acts) the way the apostles always preached the same message but adapted it to different audiences, without ever lowering the gospel by the use of drama. (Preached: 5th April 2010)
Devotion to the Will of God
Easter Conference 2010 – John Dennison closes the 2010 Easter Conference with a challenging message on the devotion of Christ to God, seen in picture in the Hebrew servant of Exodus 21, and the need for us to be devoted to Him too. (Preached: 5th April 2010)
A Meditation on Christ’s Miracles
Easter Conference 2010 – Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on the dispensational, practical and evangelistic lessons to be drawn from the unique intertwined narratives of the raising of Jairus’s daughter and the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. (Preached: 4th April 2010)
The Power of Memorized Scripture
Easter Conference 2010 – John Dennison preaches on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness and, based on how the Lord quoted Deuteronomy three times from memory, prefixed by “It is written”, urges his audience to memorize scripture, to be able to withstand the temptations of Satan with the same rebuke. A challenging message. (Preached: 4th April 2010)
Peter and Christ
Easter Conference 2010 – Speaking from Luke Ch. 5, Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on how Peter lent to Christ, limited Christ, learned of Christ and left all for Christ. He contrasted the letting down of the net with that of the paralyzed man. (Preached: 3rd April 2010)
Meditating on the Word of God
Easter Conference 2010 – John Dennison preaches a powerful message on “a holy man and a holy book” from Psalm 1. He issues his audience with a challenge to become men and women who meditate on the word of God. (Preached: 1st April 2010)