Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 6)
Oxford Gospel: “We Will Meet Again” and Romans 6:23 (40 mins)
September 19th 2022 marked the state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Just hours after the funeral had concluded, Jonathan Black preaches on the great doctrine of the rapture in the context of the gospel, using the quotation “We Will Meet Again” from the late monarch’s March 2020 address to the nation. Cameron Piper closes the meeting by preaching on the great gospel text – Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God…
Oxford Gospel: Barabbas and The Resurrection (41 mins)
Cameron Piper preaches the gospel by looking at the crucifixion and the death of Christ on the cross through the eyes of the thief; Barabbas. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching on the glorious gospel doctrine of the resurrection. Jonathan closes his message by clearly and powerfully outlining 6 proofs of Christ’s resurrection that answer the objections of many in today’s society.
Oxford Gospel: The Way of Salvation and Sinfulness vs. Sinlessness (43 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches a weighty message on the Way of Salvation, clearly explaining to the audience how someone can be saved. Cameron Piper closes with a heartfelt and powerful sermon on the sinfulness of sin in comparison with the Sinlessness of Christ. (Apologies regarding the background noise in the recording)
Oxford Gospel: Words and God’s Great Desire (45 mins)
Cameron Piper opens the meeting by preaching a clear gospel message on words that are first, final and solemn. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by earnestly preaching about God’s Great Desire – that all may be saved.
Oxford Gospel: John 3.16 and What is God Like? (41 mins)
On the 4th night of the series in Oxford, Jonathan Black opens the meeting by preaching from the classic gospel text, John 3:16. Cameron Piper continues the meeting by preaching on the character of God, asking the audience to question how they perceive God, and the consequences of how they view him.
Oxford Gospel: Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard (30 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches a weighty and powerful gospel message from the Proverb: “Go to the Ant thou sluggard: consider his ways and be wise”.
Oxford Gospel: “The Son of Man” and “A Flawless, Finished, Forever Work” (44 mins)
Cameron Piper preaches powerfully on the “son of man shall be delivered”, painting a visual picture to his audience of the chapter and applying the gospel from it. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching on the work of Christ, which is flawless, finished and forever!
Oxford Gospel: One Man and Hebrews 2:14 (45 mins)
In the first night of a series of gospel meetings in Cowley, Oxford; Jonathan Black preaches on One Man’s influence, citing the local historical figure of William Morris and preaching on the influence of another man – the Lord Jesus Christ. Cameron Piper preaches the gospel from Hebrews 2:14, about how the Saviour can delivered those who were “subject to bondage”.
Gospel Meetings ’22: “The Grace of God” and “The Just for the Unjust” (36 mins)
Joel Lacey opens the meeting emphasizing the exceeding abundance of the grace of God before Gene Higgins closes the meeting by looking at the demonstration of this grace as the Just was given for the unjust that He might bring us back to God.
Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” and “Prepare to meet thy God” (40 mins)
In response to the question Thomas asked, “How can we know the way?”, Gene Higgins points to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Way to the Father. He preaches on why no one deserves to go to Heaven, how anyone can go to Heaven and the fact that not everyone will go to Heaven. The meeting finishes with a solemn warning to “Prepare to meet thy God”.
Gospel Meetings ’22: “Behold, The Lamb of God!” and “One Sacrifice for Sins Forever” (38 mins)
In a weighty gospel meeting, the Lord Jesus Christ is preached as the perfect sacrifice for sins. Joel Lacey considers Christ as “the Lamb of God”, a name given Him due to the perfection of His character and the purpose of His coming. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by emphasizing the perfection of Christ’s sacrifice as one that has satisfied God eternally.
Gospel Meetings ’22: “Sins Forgiven” and “Safety from Judgement” (39 mins)
Gene Higgins commences with the amazing truth that sins can be forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ on the basis of His finished work. Joel Lacey follows with an examination of Genesis 6 preaching on sinful humanity, certain judgement and God’s salvation.