Sermons on Hymn Singing

Sermons on Hymn Singing

2024 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (3/3)

Over 40 mins of hymns from the post-conference hymn sing. Hymns include: “On that most holy morn”, “O Christ in thee, my soul hath found”, “O for a closer walk with God”, “We’re marching to Zion”, “When I survey”, “It is well with my soul”, “Lord when I think upon the love”, “When we all get to Heaven”, “I once was bound in Satan’s chains”, “I am thine O Lord”, “Saviour more than life to me”, “How good is the…

2024 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (2/3)

Over 33 mins of hymn singing from the Easter Monday of the conference weekend.  Hymns include: “Crown him with many crowns”, “Jesus our Lord”, “Gazing on Thee Lord”, “Jesus lover of my soul”, “Jesus Thy Name is Love”, “Lamb of God, Our Souls adore Thee”, “O Wonderful Wonderful Word of the Lord”, “My Lord has Garments”, “I am thine O Lord”, “Abide with me”,

2024 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (1/3)

Over 50 mins of hymn singing from the Saturday and Sunday of the conference weekend. Hymns include: “All Hail the power of Jesus’ name”, “O how happy are they”, “May the mind of Christ my Saviour”, “O Eyes that are weary”, “Dear Saviour Thou Art Mine”, “Count Your Blessings”, “It Was the sight”, “Man of Sorrows”, “And can it be,” “Saviour Source of Life Eternal”, “I must have the saviour with me”, “Master, speak thy servant heareth”, “Saviour, like a…
2023 Conference with Malcolm Radcliffe, Ken Totton and Jeremy Holifield

2023 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (4/4)

PART 4/4: Singing from the after-conference ‘sing-a-long’ at the close of the Easter Conference Weekend. Tracks include:  “I stand amazed in the presence”, “I heard the voice of Jesus say”, “When I Survey”, “There is a land of pure delight”, “O the deep, deep love of Jesus”, “How good is the God we adore”.
2023 Conference with Malcolm Radcliffe, Ken Totton and Jeremy Holifield

2023 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (3/4)

PART 3/4: Hymn Singing from the Easter Monday of the Easter Conference Weekend. Tracks include: “Have Thine Own Way”, “O For a Thousand Tounges”, “Worthy, Worthy, Worthy”, “O Lord who now art seated”, “Dear Saviour Thou Art Mine”, “He Leadeth Me”, “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us”, “Jesus I my Cross have taken”. 
2023 Conference with Malcolm Radcliffe, Ken Totton and Jeremy Holifield

2023 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (2/4)

PART 2/4: Hymn Singing from the Bible Reading and Gospel Meeting of the Easter Conference. Tracks include: “How blest are the scriptures”, “O Wonderful, Wonderful Word of the Lord”, “There is a book”, “O Worship the King”, “Have you thought of the great judgement day, sinner?”, “Years I spent in Vanity and Pride”, “My Heart is Fixed – Eternal God”, “I once was bound in Satan’s chains”, “Come Every Soul, by sin oppressed”, “There’s a Shepherd who died for the…
2023 Conference with Malcolm Radcliffe, Ken Totton and Jeremy Holifield

2023 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (1/4)

PART 1/4: Hymn Singing from the Saturday Night Ministry and Breaking of Bread of the Easter Conference. Tracks include: “O how happy are they”, “Who can cheer the heart like Jesus?”, “Behold What Love! What Boundless Love!”, “I have a Shepherd”, “Praise Appreciative, Worship Adoring”, “Praise Him! Praise Him!”, “And can it be?”, “Loosed are the bands of death”.

Winter Teaching Weekend Hymn Singing (87 mins)

87 minutes of traditional congregational hymn singing, recorded at our 2023 Winter Teaching Weekend with Alasdair Baijal. Enjoy! Hymns include: “Trust and Obey”, “Praise the Saviour ye who know him”, “Saviour through the desert lead us”, “I’m pressing on the upward way”, “O wonderful, wonderful word of the Lord”, “There’s a call comes ringing o’er the restless wave”, “All for Jesus, All for Jesus”, “He leadeth me”, “When my life’s work is ended”, “I know that my redeemer liveth”, “To…

Autumn Teaching Weekend Hymn Singing (83 mins)

83 minutes of congregational hymn singing, taped at our 2022 Autumn Bible Teaching Weekend with Iain Lewis. Hymns include: “Trust and Obey”, “Master, speak thy Servant heareth”, “And is it so, we shall be like thy son?”, “Channels only blessed master”, “Guide us O thou great Jehovah”, “O Wonderful, Wonderful, Word of the Lord”, “Great God of Wonders, all thy ways”, “Higher Ground”, “And can it be?”, “He leadeth me”, “Teach me thy way, O Lord”, “How great thou art”,…

Autumn Conference Singing 2021

Autumn Conference 2021 – 45 minutes of singing from the 2021 conference meetings: “Trust and Obey”; “Jesus Shall Reign”; “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”; “And Can It Be?”; “We Rest on Thee”; “And Can It Be?”; “Amazing Grace”; “Crown Him With Many Crowns”; “Channels Only”; “How Great Thou Art”; “The Day Thou Gavest”; “When I Survey”; “There is Coming a Day”; “Higher Ground”

Hymn Singing – February Weekends 2020 (80 mins)

80 minutes of hymn singing from the John Dennison ministry weekend in Feb 2020. Hymns: “When We Walk With The Lord”, “What A Fellowship”, “Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus”, “Man of Sorrows”, “Worthy Worthy Worthy”, “How Great Thou Art”, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, “Praise the Saviour”, “In Thy Name O Lord Assembling”, “Fairest of All The Earth Beside”, “Behold The Lamb with Glory Crowned”, “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, “O Lord Who Now Art Seated”, “I’m Pressing on the…

2019 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (Part 3/4)

PART 3 – 2019 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (44 mins): “Christ the Saviour of Sinners Came”; “God in Mercy Sent His Son”; “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood”; “Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned”; “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”; “I Have Been At The Altar”; “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”; “I am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven”: “How Great Thou Art”; “By Faith I Look Where Christ Has Gone”; “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”;…

2019 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (Part 4/4)

PART 4 – 2019 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (30 mins): “Tell Me The Story of Jesus”; “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”; “‘Twas Love That Sought Gethsemane”; “Eternal Light, Eternal Light”; “I Stand All Amazed At The Love Jesus Offers Me”; “Moment by Moment”; “And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son?”; “God Holds the Key of All Unknown”; “O Christ in Thee My Soul Hath Found”; “I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Silver or Gold”; “O The…