Sermons on Marriage and the Family

The Dangers to Marriage (53 mins)

PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE – Jonathan Black preaches on the dangers to marriage under 4 headings: Celebration, Communication, Contamination and Consecration. In a very practical message he deals with essential topics such as language, love and leadership. Warnings are given about adultery, abuse, alcohol and addiction (to gambling, gaming and pornography). Finally couples are urged to put consecration to God first. Readings in Luke 1:5-6, John 2:1-2 and 1 Pet 3:1-7 (Message given Apr 19th 2018)

The Doctrine of Marriage (45 mins)

PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE – Joshua Jacob takes up “the doctrine of marriage” from Gen 1 and 2, Prov 31 and Eph 5. Marriage and the family is the basis of human society and is introduced in the Bible long before “government”. Marriage is the total commitment of the total person for a total life. Josh outlines the reason, responsibilties, relationships, requirements and rhythm of marriage in a wide ranging message aimed at preparing young couples for marriage (Message given Apr…

The House of Amram and the Heritage of God

PART 5 – Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Amram (and Jochebed), the parents of Moses. He highlights the faith of Moses’s parents who had no “Egyptian ambitions” for their son, but saw Moses as a stewardship from the Lord to be raised for Him and to serve Him as the deliverer of His people. Their task was to raise Moses in such a way as would fit him for that role. A message designed to guide parents in…

The House of Abraham and the Worship of God

PART 3 – Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Abraham, a man in whose life the altar and the worship of God always came first. This is a powerful message on the topic of the need for a “family altar” where families read the word of God and pray together daily. A vital message on a vital subject that needs to be heeded in a busy technological age. (Preached: 18th Feb 2017)

The House of Ananias and the Assembly of God

PART 4 – Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Ananias (and Sapphira) from Acts Ch 5. This sad home was marked by pretence, by hypocrisy and by deception. This couple were pretending to be what they weren’t. The root and the fruit of their iniquity is explained and the audience is urged to have, by contrast, homes marked by truth, holiness and heart devotion to God. (Preached: 18th Feb 2017)

The House of Aquila and the Work of God

PART 2 – Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Aquila and Priscilla, a married couple in the New Testament who, mightily used in the work of the Lord, serve as a “pattern couple” for others to follow. Ian develops his message around three headings: the “priority” of the work of the Lord in their home, the “equality” of their share in that work, and the “variety” of their labours in evangelism, teaching, hospitality and assembly function. (Preached: 17th February…

The House of Achan and the Enemies of God

PART 1 – Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Achan from Joshua Chs 6-7. What Achan did, and what he brought into his home, negatively affected him, his children and the whole assembly of God’s people. The lesson? Home life impacts all of life – work, family, and assembly. What is needed today is a restoration of sanctified homes where God is honoured. Mr Jackson asks “Is it time your home changed?” (Preached: 16th February 2017)

Motherhood – A Guide in the Home (38 mins)

Norman Mellish speaks on the subject of “Motherhood”.  Basing his comments on Titus 2:2-3, Norman looks at six homes in the Bible and draws practical lessons about motherhood from each one. He highlights the danger of favouritism, the duty of protection and education, and the influence of godly devotion and prayer. A helpful message based on Scripture, with the benefit of decades of parental experience (Message given 20th Mar 2016)

Honouring Your Master (37 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “honouring your master” and looks at the very practical subject of “the Christian in the workplace”. What kind of career should a Christian take up? How can a Christian have a good testimony at work? What temptations are there in the work place? How should a Christian act in relation to Trade Unions, Christmas parties, and other issues of conscience? A helpful and wide-ranging message (Message preached 28th Feb 2016)

Fatherhood – A Leader in the Home (38 mins)

Gary Woods speaks on the role of a father as outlined in various Bible passages, notably 1 Timothy Ch 3. Much profitable and practical teaching is given relative to leadership, love and the challenge of balancing home, assembly and work life. Wisdom is needed in rearing a family for God especially with the financial, social and technological pressures of the 21st Century Western world (Message preached 14th Feb 2016)

The Christian Wife (37 mins)

Daniel Rudge speaks on “the Christian wife”. Under the headings of her dignity, duty, disposition, dress and devotion, Daniel gives a balanced and comprehensive look at the character and role of Christian woman within marriage. He explains the scriptural meaning of equality, submission and virtue, and addresses pertinent points relative to how modern culture throws up challenges for the married Christian woman (Message preached 7th Feb 2016)

The Christian Husband (37 mins)

Joshua Jacob speaks on “the Christian husband”, centering his comments around 1 Pet 3:7 “Husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” The Christian husband is to “live intimately with her”, “be understanding of her”, “give honour to her”, “share freely with her” and “deal gently with her.” A practical helpful message  (Message preached 31st…

Part 6 – Love in Marriage (24 mins)

PART 6 – Andrew Ussher expounds what “marital love” really looks like in the Bible – not some mere sentimental feeling or emotion, but a commitment, in the words of 1 Cor 13:7, to “bear all things”, “believe all things”, “hope all things” and “endure all things”. This message will really challenge you to think about “love” on a different level to the culture around us – Readings: Gal 2:20, 1 Cor 13:3 and 7 (Message preached 24th Feb 2013)

Part 5 – Questions and Answers (40 mins)

PART 5 – Andrew Ussher answers written audience questions on financial and child rearing issues. He gives wise answers on questions like “How should parents respond to a child who says he or she wants to be saved?”: “How should parents handle issues such as TV, the internet and smartphones” and “At what age should parents bring young children to meetings”? A very helpful session (Questions answered on 23rd Feb 2013)

Part 4 – Raising Children (47 mins)

PART 4 – Andrew Ussher preaches on raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He stresses the need to understand what a child is – a stewardship from God, and a sinner with a fallen nature – before outlining Biblical principles of child rearing – Readings: Psa 51:5, 58:3, 127:3-5, Prov 27:6, Eph 6:1-4, Luke 2:41-52, 15:11-24 (Message preached 23rd Feb 2013)