Sermons on Children
“I received the new birth!” – Ken Wilkins’ Testimony of Salvation
Ken Wilkins from Wallingford relates to the audience his story of how, when and where God reached and saved his soul. Brought up near Southampton in a Christian home, Ken tells how as a young child of nearly 7, he grasped the fact that he was a sinner and realised his need for a saviour, and how in simple childlike faith, he trusted the LORD Jesus Christ.

John Fleck’s Testimony of Salvation (30 mins)
John Fleck relates his story of conversion as a boy growing up in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. In addition to hearing the gospel regularly preached, John was spoken to by a number of events, including the funeral of a neighbour, and a dream about the Lord’s coming. He sought salvation and found rest and peace in Christ one cold February night alone in his room pondering the work of the Saviour on the cross for him (Testimony given 5th Jul…

Peter Glenn’s Testimony of Salvation (20 mins)
Peter Glenn, an Oxford University computer engineering student who was with us for 4 years from 2004-08, tells his testimony of conversion as a boy of 11 (Message preached 18th May 2008)