Sermons on Various Expositions

Sermons on Various Expositions

A Day of Glad Tidings (55 mins)

Dan delivers a message on the parable of the gospel found in 2 Kings 6 & 7. He brings to attention the perishing, the promise of salvation, the provision of salvation, and the proclamation of salvation.

Walking on Water (48 mins)

When the disciples went out in the boat, they were following the Lord’s command; in His will. So why did the Lord allow them to head straight into a storm? John Salisbury goes through the Matthew 14 account of this miracle and presents the listener the problem of an unexpected storm, the power of an unparalleled Saviour, and the possibility on an unimaginable step.

Death in the Pot (57 mins)

Dan Rudge presents the miracle from 2 Kings 4:38-44. In a challenging and searching exposition of the passage, he provides examples of our desires and conduct that can be as the ‘death in the pot’. Dan likens the ‘meal’ remedy to Christ, and refers to Paul’s presentation of Christ across his epistles.

A Throne Set Up (41 mins)

Scott Dunn explains to the audience the concept of a throne being set up in Israel. Particularly examining the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, he pays special attention to the way in which the books were constructed in order to preserve and safeguard the rights to the throne of Saul and David. Throughout, Scott Dunn gives helpful advice on studying historical accounts and outlines basic principles for interpreting the historical books of Scripture. He closes by drawing comparisons with…