Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions

Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions

A Day of Glad Tidings (55 mins)

Dan delivers a message on the parable of the gospel found in 2 Kings 6 & 7. He brings to attention the perishing, the promise of salvation, the provision of salvation, and the proclamation of salvation.

Walking on Water (48 mins)

When the disciples went out in the boat, they were following the Lord’s command; in His will. So why did the Lord allow them to head straight into a storm? John Salisbury goes through the Matthew 14 account of this miracle and presents the listener the problem of an unexpected storm, the power of an unparalleled Saviour, and the possibility on an unimaginable step.

Death in the Pot (57 mins)

Dan Rudge presents the miracle from 2 Kings 4:38-44. In a challenging and searching exposition of the passage, he provides examples of our desires and conduct that can be as the ‘death in the pot’. Dan likens the ‘meal’ remedy to Christ, and refers to Paul’s presentation of Christ across his epistles.

An exposition of Psalm 84 (58 mins)

Listen to an encouraging and challenging exposition of the 84th Psalm. Geoffrey Guile considers the Saints’ aspiration, approach, and arrival. Among several insights from the Psalm, Geoffrey makes reference to the patriarch Jacob, giving particular focus on the importance and opportunity for us to finish well; referring to Jacob, John Mark, Paul, and the sons of Korah.

Exposition of Titus Chapter 2 (47 mins)

Expositing the second chapter of Titus, Paul McCauley brings before his audience the instructions, inspiration and insistence for godly Christian living. Examining the various groups of people presented in the chapter, Paul inspects what godly characteristics should mark believers in their different roles and vocations. Paul tackles head-on the issue of the role of women in this chapter and puts forward a clear biblical argument regarding the role of women and teaching.

Exposition of Titus Chapter 1 (46 mins)

PART 1 – Paul McCauley opens up a series of ministry meetings expositing the letter to Titus. Placing the epistle in the wider biblical and cultural context, Paul provides an outline and structure of the book as a whole, before dealing with the first chapter. Expositing it in a helpful manner, Paul mainly deals with various qualifications for a shepherd or overseer.

Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 6 (55 mins)

Josh Jacob closes a series of expositional messages on 1 Timothy by expounding the final chapter of this potent epistle. Josh carefully looks at the issue of false teachers in this passage as well as the phrase “the love of money” – using this as a springboard to offer sound, practical advice relating to the believer’s stewardship of finances. Josh closes the message by examining Paul’s final challenging words in the chapter: “Fight the good fight”.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 5 (45 mins)

Tom Black expounds the penultimate chapter of 1 Timothy, a chapter which deals with practical issues in the local assembly such as relationships between various groups of people, support for widows and “widows indeed” but also guidance regarding accusations made against those in the assembly fellowship.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 4 (46 mins)

James Cartwright expounds for the audience, 1 Timothy 4 – a chapter which provides essential details regarding the dangers of apostasy to a local church. He outlines Paul’s key guidelines for living a godly “servant-like” life.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 3 (61 mins)

Dan Rudge provides an incredibly helpful exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 3, examining the important issues of qualifications for overseers and deacons. He closes by looking at the mystery of godliness expounded in the final verses of the chapter.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 2 (51 mins)

Huw Rees expounds the second chapter of 1 Timothy, examining Paul’s important teaching on prayer as well as similar issues pertaining to the House of God and assembly life.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 1 (45 mins)

Jonathan Black opens up a series of messages on 1 Timothy. After giving an introduction to the book as a whole, he provides a helpful exposition of the first chapter of the book; paying particular attention to details regarding assembly truth and the teaching on ‘godliness’.

Christ in the Gospel of John (44 mins)

Leslie Craig provides a wide-ranging and helpful overview of John’s Gospel. Different from the synoptic gospels, unique in its biographical presentation of Christ, Leslie traces Christ throughout the book, a useful summary! “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” – John 20:31

Genesis 35: Returning to Bethel (37 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 35 on Jacob’s return to Bethel after his years of delay in Shechem. After looking at the importance, instruction, itinerary and ingredients of the chapter, James goes through the various practical lessons that can be learnt from Jacob’s spiritual progress in the chapter. Please note that the discussion part of the Bible Class was not recorded.