Sermons from October 2013

Sermons from October 2013

Andrew Swan’s Testimony of Salvation (45 mins)

Andrew Swan tells how God saved him as a 24 year old young man in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in the Spring of 2,000. Initially thinking he was saved at the age of 13, then being in serious soul trouble aged 18 but missing salvation, Andrew was finally brought to Christ on the last night of a month of gospel meetings with evangelist Robert McIlwaine through resting by faith on the Lord Jesus, the One who “died for me!” (Testimony…

Sayings of the Heart – Part 3 (43 mins)

Richard Catchpole preaches on the last two of six “sayings of the heart” from Deuteronomy (Ch 18:21 and 29:19). The fifth concerns the serious issue of discerning between true and false prophets; the sixth deals with defiance of the Lord’s words. Numerous pertinent and important issues are addressed in this message (Message preached 25th Oct 2013)

Sayings of the Heart – Part 2 (40 mins)

Richard Catchpole preaches on the third and fourth of six “Sayings of the heart” from Deuteronomy (Ch 9:4 and 15:9). The third was a saying based on self-righteousness, relating to how God had treated His people; the fourth was a saying based on selfishness, relating to how God’s people treated each other (Message preached 18th Oct 2013)

Sayings of the Heart – Part 1 (37 mins)

Richard Catchpole preaches on the first two of six “Sayings of the heart” that the people of God were tempted to say in Deuteronomy (Ch 7:17 and 8:17). The first was a saying of fear concerning the power of the nations of Canaan; the second was a saying of pride once victory would have been gained. Practical lessons are drawn from these interesting sayings (Message preached 11th Oct 2013)