Sermons from 2017

The Story of Two Crosses – William Coltman’s Testimony (36 mins)

Tim Coltman tells the amazing life story of his great grand-father William Coltman (VC, DCM & Bar, MM & Bar), the most highly decorated non-commissioned officer of World War 1 (British Army). Coltman, a believer in Christ, would not take up arms, but served as a stretcher bearer on the battle fields in France and Belgium. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for valour in the saving of lives; but his greater interest lay in “the cross of Christ” through which he knew the…

Women who knew Paul (43 mins)

Josh Jacob closes the sermon series on “Women in the Bible” with a message about women known to the apostle Paul, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Lydia and two sisters in Philippi named Euodias and Syntyche. The commendation that Paul gives these and other women forever puts to rest any idea that Paul was a misogynist! Josh starts in Romans 16 with a long list of names commended by Paul, including numerous women (Message preached 19th Nov 2017)

Christ in Colossians (40 mins)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Colossians” – personally, positionally and practically. He spends some profitable time looking at the various titles of Christ in Ch 1 – “His dear Son”, “the image of the invisible God”, “the head of the body”, “firstborn of all creation” etc. before taking up some of the practical challenges that the apostle Paul brings out later in the epistle (Message preached 16th Nov 2017)

Christ in Philippians (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Philippians”. He takes Paul’s expression from Chapter 3 – “that I may know Christ” – as his theme, and expounds Paul’s outline of the person of Christ as He is presented in the epistle – as the purpose, pattern, power and prospect for the Christian’s life. This message reorients our focus in the right direction as to the right motive for the Christian’s life and service (Message preached 9th Nov…

Mary and Martha (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, who lived in Bethany near Jerusalem at the time of Christ. This is a practical and challenging message about the Christian home, hospitality, holiness, personal devotion, Bible Reading and worship. Jonathan encourages his audience to take time to “sit at Christ’s feet”, despite all the distractions of the present day (Message preached 5th Nov 2017)

David Hutchinson’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

David Hutchinson grew up in a Christian family and knew the Scriptures from young age. When he reached the 6th form at School he felt drawn to the world…but God overruled David’s choice to neglect the gospel and brought him back to reality. At 16 he faced up to his need of salvation. Listen to hear how he found deliverance. (Testimony given in Bicester 29th Oct 2017)

Christ and the Villages of Galilee

PART 5 – Colin Hutchison preaches on some of the movements and miracles of Christ in and around the villages of Galilee. He opens up a number of very helpful lines of ministry in connection with the 4 gospels and their links with the Pentateuch. The bulk of his message concentrates on 4 miracles, one from each gospel, and the spiritual lessons to be learned therefrom for the Christian life. (Preached: 29th October 2017)

Cain and Nod

PART 4 – Colin Hutchison preaches on Cain in the land of Nod (Gen 4:16-26). He expounds the origin of the line of Cain, and how that line develops in the record given in the Bible. From Gen 4 he shows the origin of the godless world of commerce, music and the arts. In contrast to the world’s godless self-glorifying music, the next time we read of music is Exod 15, where the people of God sing about redemption. (Preached:…

David and Gath

PART 3 – Colin Hutchison preaches on David’s visit to ‘Philistine country’ in 1 Sam 21. The Philistines are a picture of unconverted religious men who suppress the Word of God and seek to overthrow God’s order. Mixing with them brought danger and compromise for David, as it will for us. How to overcome the Philistines is highlighted from the lives of Shamgar, the younger David and from Samson.(Preached: 28th Oct 2017)

Samuel and Ramah

PART 2 – Colin Hutchison preaches on Ramah, the town where Samuel lived, and judged and worshipped. Ramah means “the place of elevation”, so Colin teaches from 1 Samuel 7 how to “live a higher life”, “exercise a higher judgment” and “engage in higher worship”. He finds 4 principles under each topic as he works through the chapter. A helpful, challenging message, especially in relation to communion with Christ. (Preached: 27th Oct 2017)

Jacob and Bethel

PART 1 – Colin Hutchison preaches on lessons that Jacob learned at Bethel, the house of God. He likens Jacob’s experience in Genesis Ch 28 to that of a person in the present day who understands, by revelation from the Word of God, what a local assembly is – the place where God dwells. Colin tells the story of how he personally came to understand the truth of the house of God and challenges his audience to have convictions of…

Christ in Galatians (42 mins)

David West preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Galatians”, and in particular, the centrality of Christ’s cross in the epistle. The Cross – Ch 1: The centre of God’s purpose for us. Ch 2: The centre of God’s power in us. Ch 3: The centre of God’s promise to us. Ch 4: The centre of God’s heritage to us. Ch 5: The centre of God’s provision for us. Ch 6: The centre of our boast. Each chapter is…

Esther (36 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on Esther, the Jewish orphan girl who became the Queen of an empire. The narrative in the Bible book of Esther uniquely displays the “Master Weaver” – God – in action, not mentioned by name, but ever moving behind the scenes. Esther was “governed by His providence”, “grew according to His plan”, was “guarded by His power” and “guided by His purpose” (Message preached 15th Oct 2017)

Naomi, Ruth and Orpah (43 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. Naomi – a triumph of grace in restoration; Ruth – a trophy of grace in redemption; Orpah – a tragedy regarding grace, in rejection. After an interesting introduction about the remarkable inclusion of unexpected women in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew 1, Jonathan brings a practical and helpful line of teaching from the book of Ruth (Message preached 1st Oct 2017)

Christ in the Gospel of John (43 mins)

 Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of John”. After some helpful introductory remarks, Peter takes up numerous statements that other people made about Christ, starting with the words of John the Baptist in John Ch 1. Through these positive and negative comments, a fascinating portrait of the Son of God is brought before the hearer (Message preached 28th Sept 2017)