Sermons by Tom Armstrong

Sermons by Tom Armstrong

The urgency of ‘today’ (25 mins)

Tom Armstrong delivers a challenging gospel sermon in which he looks at the various uses of the word ‘today’. He reminds us of the day that the Lord Jesus was born into this world, the day that Zacchaeus received the Lord Jesus, and the day that the Lord Jesus saved a guilty criminal from his sins. Has there been a day when the Lord saved you?

Are You Saved? (51 mins)

GOSPEL – Tom Armstrong preaches on the great matter of being “saved”. The Bible says you must be saved (Acts 4:12); it says you can be saved (John 3:17), and it tells you how to be saved (Acts 16:31). David Vallance continues with a look at salvation “in the Son” from the last few verses of John Ch 3 (Messages preached 3rd Mar 2019)

Christ in Colossians (40 mins)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Colossians” – personally, positionally and practically. He spends some profitable time looking at the various titles of Christ in Ch 1 – “His dear Son”, “the image of the invisible God”, “the head of the body”, “firstborn of all creation” etc. before taking up some of the practical challenges that the apostle Paul brings out later in the epistle (Message preached 16th Nov 2017)

Eternal Salvation and “Jesus Saves” (52 mins)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “eternal salvation” and “eternal judgment” – you need one to avoid the other. Ian Jackson follows with a message called “Jesus saves”. You don’t need “help”, or “education” or “religion”…you need to be saved! (Messages preached 19th Feb 2017)

The Local Assembly

Easter Conference 2016 – Tom Armstrong outlines the truth of the “local assembly” from 1 Corinthians. Look out for the 10 C’s from the epistle – community, construction, commemoration, care etc. This is a good introduction to the basics of assembly testimony, its character, function and purpose – vital truth for every believer. (Preached: 28th March 2016)