Sermons from November 2017

Sermons from November 2017

Women who knew Paul (43 mins)

Josh Jacob closes the sermon series on “Women in the Bible” with a message about women known to the apostle Paul, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Lydia and two sisters in Philippi named Euodias and Syntyche. The commendation that Paul gives these and other women forever puts to rest any idea that Paul was a misogynist! Josh starts in Romans 16 with a long list of names commended by Paul, including numerous women (Message preached 19th Nov 2017)

Christ in Colossians (40 mins)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Colossians” – personally, positionally and practically. He spends some profitable time looking at the various titles of Christ in Ch 1 – “His dear Son”, “the image of the invisible God”, “the head of the body”, “firstborn of all creation” etc. before taking up some of the practical challenges that the apostle Paul brings out later in the epistle (Message preached 16th Nov 2017)

Christ in Philippians (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Philippians”. He takes Paul’s expression from Chapter 3 – “that I may know Christ” – as his theme, and expounds Paul’s outline of the person of Christ as He is presented in the epistle – as the purpose, pattern, power and prospect for the Christian’s life. This message reorients our focus in the right direction as to the right motive for the Christian’s life and service (Message preached 9th Nov…

Mary and Martha (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, who lived in Bethany near Jerusalem at the time of Christ. This is a practical and challenging message about the Christian home, hospitality, holiness, personal devotion, Bible Reading and worship. Jonathan encourages his audience to take time to “sit at Christ’s feet”, despite all the distractions of the present day (Message preached 5th Nov 2017)