Sermons from March 2018

Present Your Bodies

Easter Conference 2018 – Opening the 2018 Easter Conference, David Vallance preaches from Paul’s challenge in Romans 12 to “present your bodies a living sacrifice”. He challenges his audience to not be conformed to a world that says the material is more important than the spiritual; that the present is more important than the future, and that emotion is more important than truth. (Preached: 31st March 2018)

Faith in a Great God

Easter Conference 2018 – From Job 36:24-37:24, Craig Munro preaches on how to make spiritual progress in the midst of loss and disappointment. We need to remember that though God is beyond comprehension, He’s always great; though He is beyond prediction, He always has a purpose; and though He is beyond explanation, He is always just. (Preached: 31st March 2018)

The Christian and Gender, Roles and Symbols (66 mins)

David Vallance brings Scriptural teaching to bear on topical issues such as equality, feminism, patriarchy, homosexuality and transgenderism. Starting in Genesis 1:27 he expounds the binary nature of gender, and from 1 Tim 2 and 1 Cor 11 explains the different roles God has given men and women, based on the pattern of Christ and His Church. He also explains how the symbols of long/short hair, and covered/uncovered head are to be understood in relation to this foundational topic (Message…

Kamil Golebiewska’s Testimony of Salvation (88 mins)

Raised a Roman Catholic in Poland, Kamil Golebiewska grew up wishing he was as godly as Pope John Paul II. However, after coming to the UK at the age of 20, Kamil stopped going to church. He later took up attending another church and was even baptised, but had still never been born again. After attending a series of gospel meetings in a Gospel Tent in 2017 Kamil finally understood he was a lost and helpless sinner – but that…

What is Separation? (45 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook opens a series of 8 messages on the topic of ‘separation’ and begins by defining what Biblical separation is. He first contrasts it with two unscriptural extremes – isolation, on the one hand, and integration on the other. He then outlines the truth of separation from 2 Cor 6:13-18 before finally pointing to 4 principles that inform a Christian’s separation: 1. The character of God, 2. The cross, 3. The Word of God and 4. The example of…

The Christian and Time Management (44 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the challenge of personal devotion and assembly commitment in a busy fast-paced world. Reading from 1 Chron 27:25-31 and Eph 5:13-18 Josh majors on the topic of “redeeming the time” and outlines numerous ways in which this can be done and the provision the Lord has made to help us in this great task (Message preached 15th Mar 2018)

Jonathan Black’s Testimony of Salvation (18 mins)

Jonathan Black relates the story of his conversion to Christ at the age of 19. Raised in a Christian family, Jonathan said he was saved at 10 years of age. Despite an initial burst of enthusiasm, his life evidenced no long-term change and he ended up in his late teens a thoroughly worldly young man enjoying the pleasures of the world. However, God graciously worked in his life. He was truly saved one day while sitting in his car at…

Investigating the Bible (43 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “investigating the Bible” under three headings – 1. Why come to the Bible? 2. Welcoming the Bible, and 3. Working through the Bible. He gives helpful general hints about basic considerations in Bible study including the student’s attitude, diligence, attention to detail and prayerful response. In Bible study – look for God, learn about Christ, listen to the Spirit and “live it out” (Message preached 11th Mar 2018)

The Christian and Personal Testimony (41 mins)

Robert Plant preaches on the topic of “witnessing for Christ by life and by lip”. He takes up three roles of the Christian from the New Testament – a soldier, an evangelist and an ambassador – and draws various lessons as to how we should conduct ourselves before the world and how we can effectively evangelise among our work colleagues and neighbours (Message preached 8th Mar 2018)

The Christian and Temptation (49 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the topic of ‘temptation to sin’ under three headings: the order of temptation (from Gen 3:1-7); overcoming the temptation of Egypt (1 Cor 10:1-13) and Christ the great overcomer (from Luke 4:1-4). He outlines the strategy of Satan from Eden onwards, as well as the role of the world and the flesh in the solemn matter of temptation, finishing with some comments on a vital NT verse, Romans 13:14 (Message preached 1st Mar 2018)