Sermons from August 2022

Sermons from August 2022

Three Impossible Things (45 mins)

Drew Logan preaches God’s way of salvation by considering three impossible things – the Eye of the Needle, the Salvation of the Lord, and the Anchor of the Soul.

“Let This Mind Be In You” (28 mins)

Likening God’s assembly to an orchestra, Gene Higgins reads Philippians 2:1-16 and gives encouraging, practical and challenging ministry on the need for believers to be of one mind – the mind of Christ Jesus.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” and “Prepare to meet thy God” (40 mins)

In response to the question Thomas asked, “How can we know the way?”, Gene Higgins points to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Way to the Father. He preaches on why no one deserves to go to Heaven, how anyone can go to Heaven and the fact that not everyone will go to Heaven. The meeting finishes with a solemn warning to “Prepare to meet thy God”.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Behold, The Lamb of God!” and “One Sacrifice for Sins Forever” (38 mins)

In a weighty gospel meeting, the Lord Jesus Christ is preached as the perfect sacrifice for sins. Joel Lacey considers Christ as “the Lamb of God”, a name given Him due to the perfection of His character and the purpose of His coming. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by emphasizing the perfection of Christ’s sacrifice as one that has satisfied God eternally.