Sermons from November 2023

Walking on Water (48 mins)

When the disciples went out in the boat, they were following the Lord’s command; in His will. So why did the Lord allow them to head straight into a storm? John Salisbury goes through the Matthew 14 account of this miracle and presents the listener the problem of an unexpected storm, the power of an unparalleled Saviour, and the possibility on an unimaginable step.

Exodus 10: Darkness over the Land (42 mins)

Scott Dunn continues our study through Exodus as he helpfully expounds chapter 10. He explains the revelation of God found in chapter 8 “The Lord in the midst of the earth”, as well as delving into matters of the heart, such as pride and repentance.

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (21 mins)

While observing the Lord Jesus receiving sinners, the pharisees judged from a distance, believing they were superior to the publicans and sinners that were sitting with Jesus. They failed to recognise that they were sinners too. Tim Lewitt helpfully explains the reason (and the reason not) for His coming, found in Mark 2:14-17 Did you know you’re a sinner? Did you know you can be saved from you sins?

Death in the Pot (57 mins)

Dan Rudge presents the miracle from 2 Kings 4:38-44. In a challenging and searching exposition of the passage, he provides examples of our desires and conduct that can be as the ‘death in the pot’. Dan likens the ‘meal’ remedy to Christ, and refers to Paul’s presentation of Christ across his epistles.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good” (35 mins)

The Lord is good. He is also objectively good, absolutely holy, and is the judge of sin. Furthermore, He is a kind and generous God that desires none should perish and that all should come to repentance and be saved through dependency on the finished work of Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

An exposition of Psalm 84 (58 mins)

Listen to an encouraging and challenging exposition of the 84th Psalm. Geoffrey Guile considers the Saints’ aspiration, approach, and arrival. Among several insights from the Psalm, Geoffrey makes reference to the patriarch Jacob, giving particular focus on the importance and opportunity for us to finish well; referring to Jacob, John Mark, Paul, and the sons of Korah.

Exodus 8: The Power of Godliness (52 mins)

Oliver Penfold takes us through Exodus chapter 8, giving insight into the significance of these plagues, particularly with regards to the wisdom of God in judging Egypt for their false god worship. Drawing application from Jannes and Jambres, Oliver challenges the Christian as to whether they are living in the power of godliness, or just a form of godliness. Oliver also encourages the listener, reminding them of the freedom and victory that the believer has in Christ.

“He shall save His people from their sins” (47 mins)

Why was the Lord to be named Jesus? Drew Logan preaches on the name, Jesus (meaning ‘Salvation’) and explains how His name was a declaration of the purpose of His coming into the world – “for He shall save His people from their sins”. Are you saved?

Exodus 7: Leaning on God (48 mins)

As our study through the book of Exodus continues, Cameron Piper helpfully expounds chapter 7. He considers the company, consequences, and counterfeits of the chapter, drawing out applications and encouragement for the believer. The listener is encouraged to depend on the Lord’s power and His ability to use what we currently have for His glory, and is challenged on their readiness to be used by God.

A Character Study of Thomas (50 mins)

Nitish Patel explores several references, throughout the gospel records, to Thomas the disciple, drawing out encouragement and challenges for the believer from the his life. Though often referred to as ‘doubting Thomas’, Nitish highlights the positive, as well as the negative areas of Thomas’ experience.