Sermons from February 2025

From disgrace to grace (39 mins)

As part of our testimony night, Paul Thomas delivered a powerful message about how Jesus Christ saved him from addiction to illegal substances, and ultimately sin. Despite having Christian parents, that didn’t make Paul a Christian, and his life showed it. Until one day, Paul was saved by Christ and he received new life! But how can a man who lived on earth 2,000 years ago have such a meaningful impact on lives today? Listen to find out how Christ…

From dead idols to the living God (15 mins)

For the first session of our testimony night, Manny read from 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, which says that the believers in Thessalonica had turned from idols to serve the true and living God. Having been brought up in Hinduism, a religion that has thousands of gods, Manny didn’t know the true and living God. Manny tells us how he came to know the true God through the Lord Jesus, for himself; and how Christ turned his life upside down as he…

The Son of God who died for you (40 mins)

What is the greatest display of love? In John 19, we read of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He was not the only one to die by crucifixion that day, but what set Him apart? We learn that the criminals around Him were suffering the punishment of their own crimes. As for the Lord Jesus, we was suffering for the crimes of others – our crimes. Listen to this powerful sermon to learn more about what Christ did, and how…

Leviticus 5: The Trespass Offering

As part of our series in which we explore the Book of Leviticus, Alistair Piper helpfully overviews the topic of the Trespass Offering. He examines the significance of the offering, the offeror, and how it typically speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is Christ to you? (46 mins)

Many, through various methods, have strived to turn their life around by turning over a new leaf. Some have sought sporting outlets, others have pursued rigorous regimes of self-discipline. In this sermon, having read Acts 9, we learn that turning over a new leaf will only lead to failure, disappointment, and guilt; instead, we need new life. We can only receive this by having a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, by faith. Listen to this gospel sermon to discover…