Leonard Currie preaches the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour who saves sinners from the sinking ship of sin. He makes reference to the Titanic and how passengers aboard were either saved or lost. The same is true of us. We are either saved by the Lord Jesus and heading to Heaven’s blissful shore, or we’re not…Are you saved?
Paul Kissick delivers a challenging message to the audience. Life is busy and filled with distractions, but is there something that is hindering you from repenting and trusting Christ? He emphasises the importance of being saved and that there is nothing in this world more important.
Paul Jenkinson reinforces the truth that God loves us, as demonstrated by the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are people in this world who genuinely believe that nobody loves them. But we read in John 3:16 that God loves them so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to pay the price for their sins; by believing on Him, they can be saved!
Dan Rudge expounds very clearly on a rarely heard ministry from Leviticus ch 11. He elaborates on the ‘cleanliness code’. Having divided the chapter into 3 sections- diet of God’s people (vs 1-23), defilement of God’s people (vs 24-43) and duty of God’s people (vs 44-47), he then expands with some practical teaching on the significance of, separation and structure of the cleanliness code. Well worth listening on more than once!