Welcome to Hebron Gospel Hall Bicester

Come along to our Gospel Service at 3.30pm this Sunday when Paul Kissick will share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ!

Missionary Conference

Join us on Saturday 22 March for our Missionary conference. In the will of the Lord, we will have Stephen Baker, Paul Kissick, Paul Jenkinson, and Leonard Currie presenting updates on the service that the Lord has called them to.

Easter Conference 2025

The Bicester Easter Conference 2025 is planned for 19th–21st April, Lord willing. Speakers include Alistair Sinclair (Scotland), Stuart MacDonald (Scotland), David Vallance (USA), and Drew Logan (England).

Details of the programme will be shared closer to the date. For accommodation or inquiries, text 07884 364167 or email info@hebrongospelhallbicester.org. The Gospel Hymn Book will be used for all meetings except the Breaking of Bread. All meetings are subject to the Lord’s will.

Christmas at HGH

We held our Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 22nd December at for a time of carol singing and to hear the joyful story of how Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners from their sins. Impressively, the children who attend our ‘Good News Club’ were able to recite John 1:1-9 from memory in front of the audience!

What’s so significant about ‘the cross’?

We were joined by A Summers who presented fresh insight into the cross of Christ. The ministry heightened our appreciation for the Lord Jesus and the tremendous load that He bore on our behalf at Calvary. Below is a link to the audio files; we’re confident that you will find the teaching as challenging and encouraging as we did.

Kids Bible Week

We recently held our Kids Bible Week where Graeme Paterson from Orkney led children and parents in singing choruses, playing games and hearing valuable stories from the Bible. Everyone received a warm welcome and had great fun!

Hatton Country World

The kids from HGH’s Good News Club recently visited Hatton Country World where they were able to engage in lots of fun activities – even some of the teenagers had fun!!

Latest Messages

The sinking ship of sin (14 mins)

Leonard Currie preaches the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour who saves sinners from the sinking ship of sin. He makes reference to the Titanic and how passengers aboard were either saved or lost. The same is true of us. We are either saved by the Lord Jesus and heading to Heaven’s blissful shore, or we’re not…Are you saved?

Coming to Christ: What’s stopping you? (20 mins)

Paul Kissick delivers a challenging message to the audience. Life is busy and filled with distractions, but is there something that is hindering you from repenting and trusting Christ? He emphasises the importance of being saved and that there is nothing in this world more important.

God SO loved the world (20 mins)

Paul Jenkinson reinforces the truth that God loves us, as demonstrated by the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are people in this world who genuinely believe that nobody loves them. But we read in John 3:16 that God loves them so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to pay the price for their sins; by believing on Him, they can be saved!

Leviticus 11: The cleanliness code (47 mins)

Dan Rudge expounds very clearly on a rarely heard ministry from Leviticus ch 11. He elaborates on the ‘cleanliness code’. Having divided the chapter into 3 sections- diet of God’s people (vs 1-23), defilement of God’s people (vs 24-43) and duty of God’s people (vs 44-47), he then expands with some practical teaching on the significance of, separation and structure of the cleanliness code. Well worth listening on more than once!

Got a Question?

So many people have questions about the God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Christianity. We’re here to help! Whether you’re new to the faith, exploring what Christianity is all about, or just looking for an answer to a question, we’d love to hear from you.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 6:23

Upcoming Events

Prayer and Ministry of the Word

Each Thursday, we meet at 7.30 pm for a time of prayer, followed by ministry from the Word of God.

The Breaking of Bread

We meet to break bread each Sunday, in obedience to the Lord’s command to do this “in remembrance of Me”, thus proclaiming His death until He comes again (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 11:23-26). This gathering includes worship and thanksgiving to the Lord (without prearrangement) after which the Word of God is typically read and expounded. We would appreciate a letter of commendation for anyone visiting from another assembly. Other visitors are very welcome to observe this meeting.

Sunday School

Sunday School for children of all ages runs each Sunday from 12.45pm to 1.45pm during school terms. A warm welcome is assured, so feel free to get in touch and enrol your children today! Call Graham Keene on 07850 009328 for more information or to arrange a free pick up door to door. All Sunday School teachers and helpers are DBS checked and our Sunday School operates safeguarding policies and procedures with the help of thirtyoneeight.org. Sunday school reopens at…

Bible Class

From 1.00-1.45pm each Sunday a Bible Class is held in the main auditorium. We are currently studying the book of Exodus in an expositional format.