Sermons on Biographies (Page 2)

Sermons on Biographies (Page 2)

Esther (36 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on Esther, the Jewish orphan girl who became the Queen of an empire. The narrative in the Bible book of Esther uniquely displays the “Master Weaver” – God – in action, not mentioned by name, but ever moving behind the scenes. Esther was “governed by His providence”, “grew according to His plan”, was “guarded by His power” and “guided by His purpose” (Message preached 15th Oct 2017)

Naomi, Ruth and Orpah (43 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. Naomi – a triumph of grace in restoration; Ruth – a trophy of grace in redemption; Orpah – a tragedy regarding grace, in rejection. After an interesting introduction about the remarkable inclusion of unexpected women in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew 1, Jonathan brings a practical and helpful line of teaching from the book of Ruth (Message preached 1st Oct 2017)

Jochebed and Miriam (41 mins)

 Joshua Jacob preaches on Jochebed and Miriam – mother and daughter – from Exodus 2 and Hebrews 11. Jochebed was a godly mother, marked by foresight, fortitude, and fervour, and whose future was seen in the remarkable lives of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. From Jochebed lessons can be learned as to the care and skills needed to raise a family for God in a difficult day. Miriam is looked at as to her character, her choir and her chastening (Message…

Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah (43 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on the wives of the patriarchs and draws out practical lessons from each one. Sarah a woman of faith; Rebekah a woman of hope; Rachel a woman of love; Leah a woman of grace. Sarah – “taught by God”; Rebekah “sought by the servant”; Rachel “wrought for by Jacob”; Leah “fought for her family”. Mr Mellish lays emphasis on seeking the mind of God and becoming a child of destiny, as well as longing to produce children…

Gideon’s Days of Failure

PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of failure and looks at the various ways in which he was tested and failed. Tested in days of prosperity, days of adversity and days of monotony. Warnings are given about the ease with which any of us could fail, yet encouragement is given that God looks at the whole of one’s life as He evaluates our service for Him. (Preached: 30th Oct 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Fighting

PART 3 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fighting and draws multiple lessons from his battle with the Midianites. Listen as insights are given into the spiritual truths God is teaching us through the divinely guided reduction of Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300 soldiers. The smallness, emptiness and brokenness of the weapons with which Gideon’s army overcame the enemy are challenging issues for us to face. (Preached: 29th October 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Frustration

PART 4 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of frustration, as he had to deal with a number of frustrating situations in Judges Ch 8 after the major victory over the Midianite host. Learn the spiritual lessons that can be gleaned from how Gideon dealt with the Ephraimites, the men of Succoth, the men of Penuel and Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian. (Preached: 29th Oct 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Fear

PART 2 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fear (Judges 6:19-40). God separated Gideon unto Himself from his father’s gods and called him to be His servant, despite his fears. Listen as Mr Dennison outlines Gideon’s concern, his condition, his comprehension, his communication and his circumstances. Included are some helpful insights into the issue of “putting out a fleece”. (Preached: October 28th 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Famine

PART 1 – John Dennison preaches an introductory message on the life of Gideon drawing practical Biblical lessons from the narrative in Judges 6:1-24. After introducing the book of Judges and outlining the background of the chapter, John speaks on “the crisis of strife” (Midian), “the conviction of sin” (by the prophet’s message), and “the consecration of Gideon the servant”. (Preached: October 27th 2016)

The Apostle Peter (46 mins)

From Peter’s 2nd epistle, Scott Dunn highlights four lessons that the author wants us to remember; the reality of our salvation; the resources in the Spirit; our responsibility; and the reward for our service. He makes the challenging point that, although Peter is often remembered for his failures, he was quickly restored and didn’t repeat his mistakes (Message preached 28th May 2015)

Timothy (42 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on the life of Timothy, a man who knew the scriptures from childhood and was converted later in life through the labours of the apostle Paul. Paul took Timothy under his wing and in this message we relearn the principle of an older man working with a younger, and are reminded of some of the vital lessons that must be passed between the generations (Message preached 21st May 2015)

John Mark (42 mins)

David Castles preaches on John Mark, the writer of the gospel of Mark, and the companion of Paul. Converted through the preaching of Peter, with a godly mother in Mary, John Mark went from failure to fruitfulness as a servant of God. He then wrote a gospel about the “perfect servant”, the Lord Jesus Christ! The unique features of Mark’s gospel are also helpfully spelt out in this message (Message preached 30th Apr 2015)

Mary, Martha and Lazarus (48 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on Mary the worshipper, Martha the worker and Lazarus the witness. He draws numerous thoughtful and pertinent lessons from the home in Bethany, which he helpfully portrays as a picture of the local assembly. He challenges his audience to spend time at the feet of Christ like Mary, rather than fall into the trap of “the barrenness of a busy life” like Martha (Message preached 23rd Apr 2015)

Joshua – The Destruction of the Canaanites (26 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on the issue of the “moral dilemma” posed by Israel’s destruction of the Canaanites in the time of Joshua. How could a “God of love” have commanded such a thing? In a well-reasoned Biblical response, Dan highlights the holy character and long-suffering nature of God, and the sovereign way in which He visited judgment on the sins of the Canaanites, but also later visited the same judgment on Israel when they sinned in like manner (Message preached…

Joseph and Mary (31 mins)

Tom West preaches on Joseph and Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. He outlines the lineage, the leading and the legacy of this godly couple in whose home the Lord of glory was raised. The Lord’s links to King David through the two genealogies – Matthew Ch 1 and Luke Ch 3 – are traced and explained. Mary is given her proper place as a privileged woman, but nevertheless one who was a sinner in need… Message preached April…