Sermons on Biographies
“Follow me” (38 mins)
Through the life of Peter, Mr. Scarsbrook draws lessons from the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, reminding us that God often calls us while we are busy with our daily work, just as He called Peter from his fishing nets. Peter’s story shows us that God seeks willing hearts ready to act for His purposes. Most importantly, we are reminded of the centrality of prayer in our lives. If Peter witnessed the Lord Jesus prioritise prayer, how much more should…
The Person of John Mark (36 mins)
PART 1 – Nitish Patel, in the first of two weeks looking at John Mark, gives a brief biography of the gospel writer and examines his character.
The Gospel of Mark (39 mins)
PART 2 – In the second of two meetings on John Mark, Nitish Patel examines the uniqueness of the gospel of the servant written by the failed servant.
The Axehead
PART 4 – Looking at 2 Kings 6 and the lost axehead, Jack Hay draws out many practical lessons for today’s Christian. (Preached: 26th March 2022)
The Poor Widow
PART 3 – Looking at 2 Kings 4 and the poor widow, Jack Hay draws out many practical lessons for today’s Christian. (Preached: 26th March 2022)
Passing on the Mantle
PART 2 – Jack Hay continues a series on the life of Elisha by looking at 2 Kings 2 and the passing of Elijah’s mantle to Elisha. (Preached: 25th March 2022)
The Call of Elisha
PART 1 – Jack Hay opens a series on the life and times of Elisha looking at his call in 1 Kings 19. (Preached: 24th March 2022)
Nehemiah – Finding Opportunities in Days of Difficulty (40 mins)
Josh Jacob preaches on Nehemiah, a man who, returning from Babylon with a deep sense of yearning for the glory of God and the welfare of His city and His people, rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem amidst all kinds of difficulties and opposition. Nehemiah fixed his focus (Ch 1), found the facts (Ch 2), formed the fellowship (Ch 3), fortified their faith (Ch 4), faced the foe (Ch 5), fulfilled his function (Ch 6). Readings from the first 6 chapters…
Samuel – Serving God in a Difficult Climate (42 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the young seer named Samuel, a young man who grew up in a climate that was corrupt and dangerous politically, morally and spiritually. In contrast to the other young men around him, the child Samuel stood out as a faithful devoted servant of the Lord. It’s not easy or popular, especially as a teenager with peer pressure all around, to stand against the spirit of the age – but Samuel’s example encourages us. The key is…
Ruth – Committed to the Lord Our God (42 mins)
Joshua Jacob preaches on Ruth the Moabitess who was marked by commitment to the interests of the God of Israel in a culture and situation naturally foreign to her. She was a disallowed stranger (Ruth Ch 1), a diligent worker (Ch 2), a dutiful pleader (Ch 3) and a destined mother (Ch 4). Josh draws lessons from the life and experience of Ruth to encourage us to overcome life’s difficulties and adversities through faith in the God under whose wings…
Gideon – Standing for God in a Difficult Time (42 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches on Gideon (from Judges Chs 6-8), a man who stood for God in an age when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes”. Jonathan gives practical ministry on Gideon’s quiet private preparation for the public role that he was later to have as he exercised faith in his God, despite his weakness and fear. Though a “mighty man of valour”, he knew what it was to depend on his God, first when he…
The Christian and Time Management (44 mins)
Joshua Jacob preaches on the challenge of personal devotion and assembly commitment in a busy fast-paced world. Reading from 1 Chron 27:25-31 and Eph 5:13-18 Josh majors on the topic of “redeeming the time” and outlines numerous ways in which this can be done and the provision the Lord has made to help us in this great task (Message preached 15th Mar 2018)
The Christian and Personal Testimony (41 mins)
Robert Plant preaches on the topic of “witnessing for Christ by life and by lip”. He takes up three roles of the Christian from the New Testament – a soldier, an evangelist and an ambassador – and draws various lessons as to how we should conduct ourselves before the world and how we can effectively evangelise among our work colleagues and neighbours (Message preached 8th Mar 2018)
Women who knew Paul (43 mins)
Josh Jacob closes the sermon series on “Women in the Bible” with a message about women known to the apostle Paul, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Lydia and two sisters in Philippi named Euodias and Syntyche. The commendation that Paul gives these and other women forever puts to rest any idea that Paul was a misogynist! Josh starts in Romans 16 with a long list of names commended by Paul, including numerous women (Message preached 19th Nov 2017)
Mary and Martha (44 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches on Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, who lived in Bethany near Jerusalem at the time of Christ. This is a practical and challenging message about the Christian home, hospitality, holiness, personal devotion, Bible Reading and worship. Jonathan encourages his audience to take time to “sit at Christ’s feet”, despite all the distractions of the present day (Message preached 5th Nov 2017)