Sermons on 2009 Easter Conference with D Gilliland and A Hull
Only One Life: Christ and His Claims
Easter Conference 2009 – Closing our 2009 Easter conference, Albert Hull took up the life and testimony of Enoch as he pressed “Christ and His claims” upon us. We have only one life, it will soon be passed; only what’s done for Christ will last. (Preached: 13th April 2009)
Victory Over Secret Sin
Easter Conference 2009 – David Gilliland delivers a searching word of ministry on victory over secret sin and on the pursuit of holiness based on Joshua’s destruction of the 5 kings in Joshua Ch 10. He touches on the dangers of the internet, and much else, in this powerful and effective message that will repay careful listening. (Preached: 13th April 2009)
Assembly Commitment
Easter Conference 2009 – Are you committed to your local assembly? That’s the subject of this important message from David Gilliland based on the ancient story of Joshua & the Gibeonites in Joshua 9. Very challenging material. (Preached: 13th April 2009)
Christ and His Coming
Easter Conference 2009 – Albert Hull preaches on “Christ and His compassion” and “Christ and His coming”. (Preached: 13th April 2009)
Christ and His Church
Easter Conference 2009 – Albert Hull preaches another powerful message on “Christ and His Control” and “Christ and His Church” [Apologies – the last 5 minutes were lost due to a recording fault]. (Preached: 12th April 2009)
The Value of a Soul and Good News
Easter Conference 2009 – GOSPEL – David Gilliland preaches on the tremendous value of the soul and Albert Hull closes the meeting by speaking on “bad news”, “good news” and “sad news”. (Preached: 12th April 2009)
The Pressures of Life
Easter Conference 2009 – David Gilliland preaches on how to cope with the pressures of life, focussing on three uses of the word “hyperbole” by Paul in 2 Corinthians [Apologies for the average quality of the recording]. (Preached: 12th April 2009)
Whose Image and Superscription?
Easter Conference 2009 – David Gilliland preaches on “Whose image and superscription” we bear as Christians – Christ’s or the world’s? During the course of his wide-ranging remarks he dealt with the much debated issue of casual dress. (Preached: 11th April 2009)
Lord, Send Revival
Easter Conference 2009 – In a stirring address, Albert Hull preaches on a restoring, reviving and rejoicing God who can bring the refreshing dew of heaven to our hearts, our homes and to our nation. (Preached: 9th April 2009)