Sermons on Conference Weekends (Page 5)
Gospel Work
Easter Conference 2016 – Dan Shutt preaches on “gospel work”. He highlights the necessity of public preaching, the superiority of preaching, the need for a discreet gospel meeting rather than a “family Bible hour” that confuses teaching for Christians with preaching the gospel. He also includes sound advice to help us bring others to hear the gospel and suggest ways in which we can influence our neighbours for Christ. (Preached: 31st March 2016)
The Rest of Our Time
Easter Conference 2016 – Dan Shutt preaches a stirring message on the topic of “the rest of our time” and challenges his audience to dedicate the remainder of their lives to the Lord, using illustrations from the lives of Caleb, Mordecai, Moses, Paul and David. He closes his message with a look at the life of Christ and the perfect way in which He lived for His God. (Preached: 28th March 2016)
The Local Assembly
Easter Conference 2016 – Tom Armstrong outlines the truth of the “local assembly” from 1 Corinthians. Look out for the 10 C’s from the epistle – community, construction, commemoration, care etc. This is a good introduction to the basics of assembly testimony, its character, function and purpose – vital truth for every believer. (Preached: 28th March 2016)
A More Excellent Way
Easter Conference 2016 – John Fleck preaches through 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 and challenges his audience on the issue of love. Love’s preeminence, practice and permanence are all expounded from this chapter. Love is the answer to envy and jealousy, to anger and resentment, to pride and arrogance. Without love we are nothing! (Preached: 28th March 2016)
Why this waste?
Easter Conference 2016 – Dan Shutt challenges his audience not to waste their lives on self, but to “waste their lives” for Christ. Others thought that breaking the box of costly ointment on Christ (in Mark Ch 14) was “a waste” – but any sacrifice for Christ is highly valued and eternally significant. “What the world calls waste, God values highly”. How will you spend the life God has given you? (Preached: 27th March 2016)
Five Reasons and What Will You Do with Jesus
Easter Conference 2016 – GOSPEL – John Fleck preaches on “Five reasons why you ought to receive Christ”, all taken from the book of Revelation. Dan Shutt follows by challenging his audience with Pilate’s question, “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ”. (Preached: 27th March 2016)
Raising the Next Generation for God
Easter Conference 2016 – “I am convinced that strong assemblies are built on strong families.” With this opening statement, Dan Shutt begins an overview of the vital topic of raising the next generation for God. Look out for the exercise, the example and the environment that promotes the salvation of families. In closing, Dan gives three answers to the question “What should I do if my child asks how to be saved?” (Preached: 24th March 2016)
Hold Thou Me Up
Easter Conference 2016 – A Searching message for every Christian – and a reminder of our great need of divine help – from John Fleck as he preaches on the text “Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe” (Psa 119:117). He outlines the various provisions of the Lord for “the safety that saved people need” amid the many perils that abound in an evil world without God. (Preached: 26th March 2016)
The Balanced Christian Life
Easter Conference 2015 – Sandy Higgins preaches on the “balanced Christian life” from Luke 10. The calling and service of the Christian are revealed section by section until the “Mary and Martha” incident at the end. From there we learn that the secret to the Christian life is “the secret Christian life”. (Preached: 6th April 2015)
Four Kinds of Trial
Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchinson preaches on 4 kinds of trials in the Christian life from Peter’s first epistle. In a wide ranging message he takes some of the experiences of Elijah, Gideon, Hannah, John the Baptist, Peter and others to show how through “manifold temptations” they were tried by fire and came forth as gold. A powerful and sobering message. (Preached: 6th April 2015)
Great and Marvelous are Thy Works
Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchinson preaches on Rev 15:3 – “Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God almighty.” He traces God’s sovereign dealings in the lives of His people, using individuals like Abraham, Jacob and Naomi to illustrate the need to trust in God in every circumstance, however dark and trying. “We will never regret leaving our lives in God’s hands”. (Preached: 6th April 2015)
Love, Lapse and Loyalty
Easter Conference 2015 – Sandy Higgins closes the conference with a challenging look at three New Testament characters. John the apostle, marked by love for Christ. Peter, marked by a sad lapse in devotion, as he followed at a distance. Joseph of Arimathea who was marked by loyalty to Christ in the hour of His death. Following Christ might mean burying your future…but a resurrected present will more than compensate. (Preached: 6th April 2015)
Bible Reading – Hebrews 11:1-14
Easter Conference 2015 – Sandy Higgins opens up Hebrews Ch 11:1-14 and leads the company through the first section of this great “Chapter of faith”. He divides the verses into sections: faith and our worldview, worship, walk, work, way, His Word and waiting on Him. An informative and challenging study. (Conducted: 5th April 2015)
“The Sinner” and “The Just for the Unjust”
Easter Conference 2015 – GOSPEL – Colin Hutchison and Sandy Higgins both tell their testimony of salvation alongside preaching the gospel from Luke 7 and 1 Pet 3:18. The great problem of sin and its only remedy in Christ are stressed with clarity and earnestness. (Preached: 5th April 2015)
The Ministry of the Prophet
Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchison highlights three men who should have been priests – Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John the Baptist – but each of whom God sent forth as prophets because of the broken state of God’s people. Each man had a specific ministry to adjust the people hearts, to adjust the condition of God’s house and to make straight the way of the Lord. A challenging message. (Preached: 5th April 2015)